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About yamahaBanshee01

  • Birthday 08/30/1988

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  • Location
    East Meadow, Long island

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2001 banshee, toomey t5, bored, black and blue plastics

yamahaBanshee01's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. i have like a 98% feeling it is my left piston being jammed up, i just hope it didnt cause any damage.. and i can just re-ring it without having to do any other work.. but if so its kind of a blessing because then ill just get it bored even more. but if i do that.. id just need to get bigger pistons? or a bigger head also? and what about my carn
  2. aight if it is a piston seized in the bore, is it possible it can just seize because a ring came loose? and is snagged in between the bore and piston? like someone said earlier?.. if i pull the clutch basket off and than the crank gear, how am i going to tell if the motor is seized? would i be able to just rotate it by hand or something? and finally, is their a leakdown tester i can purchase, rather than making my own, as it shows on earlier threads..
  3. should i remove the clutch basket first? if so how would i go about that, and when you say if the crank still wont turn.. is that without the crank basket? im sorry for being stupid. im just tryin to learn this all in.. i am a noob. and also when you say if not, the motor seized.. what part would i have to change? if not the whole thing? going to be kinda expense right? i just find all of this mind boggling becuase it always started up.. it was giving me a little problems out of my left exhaust, but i havent drove the bike. it was just being idled in my garage. Thank you in advance, you really are the man!
  4. http://s1315.photobucket.com/user/dannymatth2/media/IMG_2542_zps791f673d.mp4.html
  5. Starwriter, heres an update, i got all of the screws off, took the case off, here is a video to show you what it does.. sorry that its sideway.. i had my phone sideways to get a better view. but dont know how to edit it so it views right side up. [/url]">http://
  6. starwriter, i just purchased it at autozone. however im still a little weary of strippin the screws. if i do, its not a problem to tap them out right? i have all brand new screws, and they are all allen head i bought them from rocky mountain
  7. [/url]">http:// There is a picture of my left piston from my left exhaust port.. [/url]">http:// This is a picture of my right piston from my right exhaust port.. I tried taking off my clutch case yesterday.. ive been really busy, but i got all of the allen head screws off up top, and all the bottom ones, are really on there. i was going to go to the store today and get a philip head attachment for my air impact gun, or should i just tap them out?
  8. i wouldnt say i was slamming it, i was just rockin it up and down and it started to come down
  9. hey starwrite, heres an update.. i took off the exhaust. looked inside and it appears that my pistons are fine. my sparkplugs look fine also. i did uncover a new thing though, i went to the kick starter and tried pushing it down with my hand and nothing. but when i rocked it up and down a few times it started to descend down. im praying thats a good sign??
  10. StarWrite, so heres an update, i pulled off the stator cover, and tried to move the flywheel by hand, it does not turn, my next step is going to be opening the other cover and see if i see anything visible. and than take off my exhaust and look at my pistons. and to answer your question earlier, i did not put straight gas in it. but any suggestions on anything i should do before i take over the other cover? drain the transmission fluid?
  11. Hey joey, when you say leaned out, does that mean my piston breaking or what? i keep hearing the term and don't exactly know what that means, is it the cylinder wall thinning out and breaking?
  12. ouch!! that looks like it hurt. lol i will do the order you stated when i get back from work tomorrow. ill keep you posted.. ill take pictures of the pistons and hopefully get an answer.. i remember when i bought this quad a few years back, the kid said it was bored.. i do not remember how much. would it be your best judgement, if one of my pistons are bad, to change both of them? if so, is their any size bore thats pushing the limits? or any specific brand to stay away from? if i end up rebuilding the top end.. i want to make it legit. and when i mean that, i don't mind spending more money on quality to end up getting the most HP i can get out of this shee. it always treated me right and i have a sick love for it that i wouldn't mind giving her a big makeover.
  13. Is it possible the kickstarter can get jammed? Should i try and roll and down shift and see if itll start? Just wanna see my options before taking everything apart. Its just strange cuz it has always started the past couple weeks of me starting it and letting it run. It didnt bog out or nothing.
  14. Even if the bike was only ran for a 30 seconds and bogged out, would cause it to overheat? What would cause it to become "lean"? Im sorry if im annoying you.. I just want to understand why this happened so i can prevent it in the future.
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