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Everything posted by n2otoofast4u

  1. I'd rather suck a fart out of Elton Johns ass.
  2. FFS..... His fucking fat ass in an idiot. Nuff said.
  3. I'm a ray of fucking sunshine! That jew ass Dave though, he needs to to quit being a CS.
  4. I've got an axle in the classifieds
  5. I will face fuck your entire family you fucking puke. Got nothing nice to say? Then fuck off to fuckity fuck off land.
  6. Skeeter will be out of the pokey here soon. Sounds like he's planning on going with Dave this trip. Said he's excited to ride Dave's bike again and drink with the crew... You guys have made a riding partner for life!!!!!
  7. Still sitting in the box I took it from to take the picture
  8. Get together decide who wants what and decide who's buying it. It's ALL leaving here in one box.
  9. I know he's a bigger pile of shit than ETR & ZILLAFREAK combined.
  10. You wanna see a picture? Just telling you what the tape measure shows.
  11. 38.5" axle is threaded and solid. Hubs are there. What you see is what you get. Not 100% sure what is what or what is good and what is not. Wheel hubs are JJ&A. Judging by the threads the rest of the hubs are also don't know about the shaft. Carrier is a single row. It's been YEARS since it's been ran and I've been through a pile of parts over the years and can't keep track of what is what. 375 shipped for all of it.
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