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Everything posted by n2otoofast4u

  1. Why in the fuck would you want carbs that big?
  2. Some of the early ones with no idle circuit with the jet in the back of the bells. They were JUNK, but it's my understanding they changed some things as time went on. I really struggled with them.
  3. If they are setup CORRECTLY they are a pretty simple transition. I think there are other carbs out there that make more power, and there are carbs out there that cost less, but overall the lectrons are a pretty good gig.
  4. He PMd me. Wants half, wants it for free... Im not breaking it up
  5. there are gases out there that will get close, but on the average alky is superior.
  6. He likes the company of other males. Be careful where you stand when you're near him.
  7. Here all along I thought you wanted the whole bike not just the clutch cover and pistons.
  8. Cool. I'll tear the sc apart. You come inspect, I'll put back together, then you buy?
  9. Just tossing a line here. Are the windows beneficial more for cooling the wrist pin bearing and bottom of piston? Ever look at the bottom of the piston crown on a similar setup window to no windows piston?
  10. I've had Redline in my hand. I've seen with my own eyes one in a set of cases. Differences yes. Differences in shifting, don't know. Here's my take. Each of us choose a proffesion. Each has made choices, made sacrafices, etc. to be in said profession. All of these cost money and effect the food that goes on your table. It is "easy" to moonlight some work and create some side cash. We've all done it, at some point we've all benefited from someone doing it. But I don't agree with anyone (not just camatv) being as open about it in a forum who has paying sponsors (not just Redline, there are others who can cut a tranny as well) I get that we are talking a couple hundred dollar tranny job, whatever. And I understand that camatv hasn't been in here preaching his trannys and cheetahs yet. But what I do understand is that many sponsors of this site pay for what often is offered by him for free. By all rights, there is 1 person making bangshee harnesses. Richie was just peddling a few foot pegs. They both payed. This thread has turned to a Redline or Camatv debate. For me it's simple. Redline has put his neck out there to be a viable business in this country and in this fucked up industry. He pays taxes, he has a brick and mortar location, he's insured, etc. He's a business. I'm not saying anything good bad or any different about camatv. I'm sure his shit works great. I'm not saying the guy shouldn't send it to camatv. I'm just saying where I'd send mine. All things aside, at least this vato isn't trying to send it to WCR.
  11. If your going for cheap I'm guessing camatv is the answer. If your going for a reputable builder who pays sponsorship to the site to advertise and supports the sport, then Redline is your answer. I know who I'd choose.
  12. TTT Will seperate out the twin cyld to make price lower if you want to buy that from your builder
  13. ^ that's the best option. 20:1 and purge that shit at the end of the year.
  14. Tell your kids to purge their own damn bike.
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