Sure, its cool (I don't think so, but that has no relevance) HOWEVER, how is the sport ever going to gain popularity with big corporate sponsorship when what they are looking at doesn't even remotely resemble an ATV of any sort. Why would they pay to sponsor a series or a race when 90% of the junk on the track has no place to display their logo, nor does it look safe enough to ride. Nobody is going to sponsor an event where the machines look that unsafe and there is no real rules. I've said this a 100 times before. To be COMPETITIVE in the PSDA the cost to payout ratio is higher than any other form of motorsport that I know of. The only way to close that gap is with large corporate sponsorship for the series or an individual race. And until there are changes made to the structure of the organization and its rules that will never happen. It is obvious to me that this is not the direction that PSDA wants to go, which is fine. They obviously have a model that doesn't involve large growth, which will keep it simple, and keep it as "the good ol boys" races. But this will prevent growth, and IMO ultimately be the death of the association. I know lots of guys out here in the west that have hung it up because of these things, and you cant blame them. I miss the people probably more than I do the racing. I will make another event one of these days just to say hi, eat the food, drink the beer, and take it all in. But I do not see me building/buying a bike to take/send.