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Everything posted by n2otoofast4u

  1. I'm just a dummy, but there had to have been some signs that shit was whack! To do that with a few hundred yards of camp, there had to have been some funny business going on.
  2. Why in the fuck would you buy anything from someone who identifies themselves with that name?
  3. The spooks, fish heads, dykes, and cunts that threatened to leave are headed your way. Fuck em!
  4. Good to hear from you gramps! Hope all is well.
  5. Senior Center must have lost internet for a couple months!
  6. That's a terrible idea. Bishes stay home with the dogs and kids while da boys go race.
  7. (503) 864-8083 Best you can get!
  8. Sweet. I'll give them a test drive. 200 bucks is cheap compared to trashing a 70k rig!
  9. I've looked at their stuff. Some looks good, some looks cheezy as fuck. You have any experience with their stuff?
  10. I'd like to see what they look like, and how they fit. I guess I'm looking for covers that don't look like covers. Knomsayin?
  11. I'd like some for the Denali also. I've looked online and there is so many different choices it makes my head spin. I want nice one, I want ones that protect well, and I want them to not look ridiculous!
  12. Good to see you making requests in my absence!
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