Just like Madd Im not knocking your win or down grading your setup......(seriously you are having fun and that is 100% the goal) However, most people including myself can see where this is going and Im not going there in this reply. With that said, heres my response..
That time is HORRIBLE!!! You have to look at the overall picture here! With no 60 you have no clue wtf the bike is doing the first (IMO most important) part of the track. I commented some time ago to Jim (in a smart ass way) that his correlation with 60' and MPH was a joke. Ive been around for atleast 2 weeks now. I get some of it! But you people HAVE to understand that if a well running bike slows on the 60 its going to gain MPH. Its a realistic, fact proven, part of the line that we all so carefully try to stay one way or the other of. You can put your wins on sniper, shearer, setup, jockey, WTF ever you want to put them on...BUT you have to realize your very self that you are only seeing one small part of the picture here!. You say "my 60s suck" How do you know? How are you trying to tune to bottom half of the track when you can damn near only read the top 20%? Again, fun is the #1 importance factor here! Im not deploying an attack or a doubt just trying to wrap my head around all of this.