I was not privy to this "BS beer" when I flew out. I stopped at Walmart and bought a cooler and a case of beer for each day, plus one to supplement for my sharing. I remember waking up in that dump of a cabin, opening a beer, and starting the day. Tyler told me every morning what a dipshit I was for drinking that early. Blah blah. Well by the time Yaris night ends I'm out of fucking beer! THANK GOODNESS FOR BURKE!! The next morning he asks if I need anything from town....YES BEER!!! He was very willing to help and brought back some reserves. By the end of the deal I was robbing beer from Koolaid because I was out again! Not gonna lie, I was pretty well drunk from the time I boarded the plane, until the time I got home but I drank a metric fuck ton of beers that week! Was never really hammered, just good and drunked up (I think. I'm sure others will say otherwise)...... I vividly remember Ryan taking pulls off a bottle of clear and thinking that he was gonna be DOA in the morning, but that SOB survived! I'm in a good place this year as far as being able to get away, but this is only 5 days before I am gone for 12 in AZ so it's just not going to play out. Moral of the story. If you're a drinker, bring twice what you think is enough! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk