"The original Banshee chassis is an ill handling,front-end heavy,rigid handfull,and with nearly double the stock horse-power, it would not be fun to ride." ( So they are all gung-ho about the Lonestar "Outlaw" frame that Lonestar doesn't even make anymore. )
Fuel injection - "Made riding a Banshee again not only fast, but fun." (Well I guess us carb guys are just knuckle dragging idiots who don't know what real fun is. Guess I'll have to buy a YFZ450R and find out what I've been missing. Even though it weighs more with all it's aluminum frame and current new technology than the any year stock Banshee.
I thought it was a bullshit read and have been waiting to read something about any banshee in dirt wheels and this is what they come up with WTF really thinking about just calling them a lost cause. Looks like its time to toss my money to loco instead