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Everything posted by joshb

  1. Well I thought it was a fusion haha...but I'm pretty sure it's them
  2. your camped right across from my buddies...that's their fusion and wolf pack
  3. Nice bike!..what kind of power did it make. Just curious as to how he does with the super cubs
  4. If you don't know your way around you could get lost at night. If you're on the dunes and just so at the top you should have good cell service. There are blinking lights at the entrance to the south gate and north gates that help you get back. You should have no trouble.
  5. Pitch in on the site and you can stay at mine. No one will be in it
  6. Are they as big as out west? No....but it's still a fun place to go. Beats the hell out of any other dunes around.
  7. I have 3 stiff springs and 3 stock ones. Not to hard to pull the clutch but it works great.
  8. what do you mean you don't know? You were sitting right beside my car...umm I was looking the other way.....lmao.that dude was pissed
  9. Lmao that was awesome. Who put these beer can on my car??? Umm Idk...
  10. If your on your bike and drunk as hell and they pull you over then you could most definitely get a dui or dwi, whichever they classify it around there. But like everyone said you will be fine....especially if you don't drink and ride.
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