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Everything posted by dmo421cub

  1. Fuck all yall..... Dick hopping ass bitches... Some of yall is worrying about the wrong fucking thing!!!!!! I didn't ask none of yall muthafuckers for yall fucking 2 cents....
  2. I txt da guy. He haven't txt back.... Hell he just could of said in da post that they was scooter tires..... A scooter and a drag banshee is totally different....
  3. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/15033/i/irc-mb-38-front---rear-scooter-tire?device=m&network=g&matchtype=b&gclid=CNaRwOql97sCFbBAMgodJl4Aiw
  4. I received tires today, and theses was scooter tires. I googled them, and these same tires was like $23.00 each
  5. I have a nos wet kit for sale. The kit is a nos brand. Twin cylinder kit. The kit comes with nos solenoid,fuel solenoid,fuel pump,2 fogger nozzle, a spare nitrous express solenoid for a purge,and a 2.5lb bottle.... All the kit needs is sum new fitting. $350 obo....... You can txt me of call me for pics of more details @ 6017097669
  6. Bump..... Also has a wicked atv backrest for $50.shipped
  7. K&T 7mm cub $575 shipped Pro Design cool head with domes $120 shipped. Txt me for pics 6017097669
  8. Do any 1 on here know wats the best company to go through to get a banshee frame shipped
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