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Everything posted by VegasJeff

  1. your gonna get alot of answers on this one,but I had success with the cascade heat wraps.
  2. Dam Dave,she looks fast! I like the j-arms as well.
  3. hey james,I run the duneable 1-5 from herr juggs racing and no problems yet.
  4. I just don't understand people.
  5. that 4 speed billet tranny you offer on your web page is way freakin cool!
  6. Is this rudy kurtz from portworx?
  7. I would be more concerned about those gouges in the dome,was the piston making contact and thats the noise you were hearing? I would definately split the bottom to see whats going on in there.
  8. your gonna allmost triple your HP,so you might not have a choice.there are people on here who got away without doing it and there is alot"including me" who had to . Good luck!
  9. here is a few more things you will have to buy for the cub to be reliable,pingle,billet basket,pancake bearing,TZ bearing,max load bearing for the mag side,lock out,new clutch,gutted gas cap, case saver and possible override cause the dam thing wont shift with all that new power. did you save for all that as well?
  10. Using a quote from Daj: "You can make the corner crack whore a prom queen, but it is not worth it." That is a lot of top-end for tight trail riding. A stock jug platform may be a better option for tight trail riding.
  11. BUMP! RDZ has set pictured on its website, and it is better than anything I might have.
  12. I had the same problem your having and I changed the rubber bushings in the torsion struts and added that flat washer with the rubber side on all four corners of the motor mounts. hope this makes sense to ya!
  13. check wiyh quikshee on here. he had one last week and it was a good deal.
  14. Gears are from RDZ. This would look great installed on someone's Christmas Tree!
  15. If you have checks in your checkbook, then you have money. It is a very nice assembly.
  16. Like new billet basket and straight-cut gear set: $425.00 shipped. Basket is a Magnum billet basket and the straight-cut gears are stock ratio. Used for one day with about 8-10 runs on the assembly. Please contact me through PM.
  17. nice to see ya back on here buddy,now back to work!
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