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Everything posted by VegasJeff

  1. For Sale: Keihin 35PWK carbs Cascade intakes (new boots) Billet bowls Throttle cable CEL needles Spare used boots $400.00 shipped, no lowballing. Left drain nut has chafing from the clutch actuator, and the left choke knob is a little melted/chafed from Shearer inframes.
  2. I agree with bbc. if your buddy is on a budget and you seem to know your way around the bike,why not help him save some cash by showing him how to fix it? plus he already knows what to expect cause he rode yours.
  3. Pro Design domes. Domes are recessed for a 4mm crank (eliminates the need for a spacer plate). One Dome has a couple small pits. $30.00 shipped.
  4. For Sale: Used set of front wheels. The size is 10X5 with a 2+3 offset. The bolt pattern is 4/144 (TRX250R and others). $60.00 shipped. Send me a PM if interested.
  5. Whats the stolen quad?all I read was parts being sold. Shouldn't this be under bad buyer/seller rather than good buyer seller?
  6. Ben, why do you continue asking questions to which you already know the answers to?
  7. we never make it to glamis it seems.The guys I ride with say it's to far.
  8. my bad! I meant presidents day.
  9. there is a bunch of vegas guys going out from the HQ on the holiday.we will be on banshee hill around noon or so.all the bikes shown in my sig will be there,look for us and stop by and shoot the shit awhile.
  10. Isn't these the pipes his dad smahed a dent in with a hammer?
  11. I have a 2 party out of state check thats post dated with an expired check guarantee card.deal?
  12. I will race ya,but you might sprain your neck looking back to see where I'm at. Maybe I should just bring the beer instead?
  13. last time I seen it kev, she was running good.
  14. I'm checking interest on selling a set of pwk 35's with manifolds,cable and oversize billet bowls,set up for gas. thinking $475.00 shipped,if interested send me a PM.
  15. Like new billet basket and straight-cut gear set: $400.00 shipped. Basket is a Magnum billet basket and the straight-cut gears are RDZ stock ratio. Used for one day with about 8-10 runs on the assembly. Please contact me through PM.
  16. give blanco25 a PM, he was looking for a deal like this.
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