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Everything posted by VegasJeff

  1. they went out of business a couple years ago.
  2. hey your box is full and we seen your bike at TJ's and it looked different.

  3. where are you located?cause shipping is going to cost alot.
  4. I found a brand new set on there web site,how much do I get?
  5. I polished my stock steel brake pedal years ago and no rust yet.
  6. wish I had 2 drag bikes!

  7. the fibers might be a little thicker than the old wore out ones,so the center adjuster on the pressure plate might need some adjusting?
  8. I got a set of stock used carbs. $100.00 to the door.
  9. biker chick?lets see your tattoo's

  10. not a dam thing is wrong with your avatar!
  11. G-man7m is a new member and I have done 2 transactions with him and they were great.
  12. VegasJeff

    Drag pipes

    I would go with silenced one out each side shears,if I wanted silencers again.I was told there was a 2 month wait from shear with one out each side,thats why I bought the RDZ pipes.
  13. make sure all your mating surfaces are extremely clean and everything the guys above this said.
  14. Thats what I run now and like it as well,just was wondering if alky required something different. thanks jared oh and by the way,love your bike!
  15. VegasJeff

    Drag pipes

    If you plan on still duning your machine,i would get shear inframes.they are durable and perform well,but they have the shittiest chrome on the market. I had the out of frame shears with the silencers and they bounced around alot and I got rid of them and bought the RDZ out of frames non silenced.they are one out each side and they are loud as fuck,but perform just as good as my oof shears. jeff
  16. what oil's do you guys run with your alky bikes?
  17. welcome to the HQ, I'm a amargosa rider myself .
  18. let me know Dave,send a PM with what you think is good.
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