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Everything posted by VegasJeff

  1. thanks matt,I'm glad you like it and I can't wait to see it mounted up. just use the 3/8 heavy duty staples with a good gun.
  2. black carbon fiber sides with a flame top. 85.00+ shipping.
  3. I'm gonna make you a camo thong with a rainbow color BHQ logo for when your he bitchin!!
  4. its 10 bucks to ship,I can make any color cover or are you asking if i have any other mess ups?
  5. Iv'e been practicing my skills with some covers and i have a few that didn't make the cut. this one is free to whoever wants it, this is not perfect by any means,so pm me if you want it.
  6. never mind that mumbo jumbo shit in the title"new guy"
  7. here is an all black ostrich top seat cover,$50.00 to your door.
  8. I run a staggered stock and heavy springs every other spring. it's a little stiff but i'm no pussy!
  9. maybe check with fireball racing,now that they are a sponsor. I have the old school denton j-arms and the fireball ball joints fit and work well,little pricey though!
  10. sounds like it's in wrong,maybe it came out of the spring holder slot???
  11. make an offer and it ships today. all black ostrich top and white/black.
  12. Black ostrich with black sides: $60.00 This is unstapled
  13. it's all negotiable and it's a hobby of mine. I'm doin an all black one with black ostrich on top,and I 'm goin to do a black one with dark grey carbon fiber top.if your interested just P'm your number and we can work it out,you wont be dissapointed.
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