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Everything posted by ATVridinMaNiAc

  1. Well....I heard you can make an EFI 2 stroke banshee. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  2. And oh yea? And I know everything about av gas but dont work around it. I just go buy it and run it and that makes me know everything about it. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  3. I hope I do catch a veterans attention I am one. Everyone is also missing the fact I never said it was bad and not to run it in a banshee....unbelievable. that's how everyone is taking it though. Whatever floats your boat. And yes john I know you love the likes and your banshee is the best around in the whole wide world. I already mentioned early I'm clueless and have no idea what the hell im talking about. I also said I dont know how it works with 2 stroke mix. Love when people only nit pick the little things or an argument and miss the whole general point. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  4. I heart forum dwellers. Gotta love when people lurk the forums and google enough to think they know more about a subject that some one works around and does in person. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  5. Dont confuse lead buildup with carbon buildup either. Its not significant anyways. I'm around jet a and jp8 more but I'm around av gas too and have talked to enough people I work with also to know about it as well. Did anyone find info on it running "dry" and removing oil during combustion as well? Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  6. I dont need to run it in my personal shit I'm around it at work dumbass...I know its properties. I dont care what you think is and isn't true. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  7. The weight and balance deal is that is has certain magical secret ingredients for different altitudes and whatnot. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  8. I never said I ran it in my engine...what the fuck. It runs dirtier but you could say not so much in a bad way.lead buildup. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  9. Not surprised this would catch the attention of thecAlmighty arguer. With a dyno to his defense for every argument. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  10. Cool story...I actually work on the base on the planes. I have knowledge to back this up. Unlike you. You may know about a banshee but not about aviation. Lead buildup and other additives are the only reason it runs dirty. Nothing that significant. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  11. All of that crap is just facts about av gas none of it proves what I said is wrong there is multiple additives in av gas. I never said it wouldn't run good in a banshee. Go Google av gas runs dry and removes oil during combustion see if you can find something. And oh my how fun...my banshee is better than your banshee NEENER NEENER. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  12. How about you do some more research if you can find it. I dare you to find somewhere proving what I said isn't true. Until then you forum dwellers are the ones talking out of asses. Go read up. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  13. Almost everything you said is true...although you are wrong about it not being modded Lol...yea it is there is different additives in it compared to other shit like I explained... I guess you also think that av gas is damn near the same...oh jus a lil more lead in it that's all. Not. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  14. I actually said many people have ran it with good success if you read that... and i never said anything telling you not to use it. I did say i wouldnt run it personally.Just stating facts about it most people dont realize. You are now putting words in my mouth? Im saying all of your whatever experience is invalid? Um no... I think your missing the fact that this is aviation purposed fuel. Are you REALLY surprised its alot different than other fuels or did you honestly think its not much different at all? Thats the sad part, not sure why your having a hard time with this. Just like if you switched this around and ran non av gas in planes theres gonna be alot of negatives effects i would only imagine. PS im just guessing btw i dont actually know anything. They should probably rename AV gas to like anything gas or maybe banshee fuel to clear up the confusion.
  15. Its high lead compared to anything else. Its low compared to other ac fuels like 25% less than green av. The weight and balance factor doesn't matter for anything but planes just has certain chemicals to aid with this at different pressures and density characteristics. Just keep in mind I'm clueless and am just guessing. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  16. Just to make you happy because I'm beating a dead horse here I'll just let you believe what you want and I'll take away everything I said. You sir are the victor. Regardless of me working on a air mobility base that is also right next to civilian airport and am around this shit constantly. You the banshee king thread lurking Googler reigns as the champion. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  17. I never said they added or subtracted weight wtf...you can Google away or whatever you want I dont care what research you do. I work on airplanes...I know this shit first hand. If you REALLY think high lead content, other additives that dont apply to our engines, no detergents and a chemical composition that is made to remove oil during combustion, making it run a little dryer. If you REALLY think that doesn't change anything at all then go for it I really dont care. Its aviation fuel. Its not going to have properties meant for anything else other then aviation simple as that. The one thing I will say I dont know is how it reacts with 2 stroke mixed oil. It might take away from some of those properties I mentioned or make them matter less. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  18. That info is not inaccurate?...yes weight and balance is just meant for aviation purposes. Doesn't affect anything else. Yes it runs dirty you could say I work on aircrafts dont tell me what I say is inaccurate get the hell outta here. Very high lead content, extra additives compared to regular fuel ,contains no detergents. It is Also is a little harder on rings because its made to remove oil during combustion to prevent plug fouling and It runs real dry. Not saying dont use just telling you some facts about it. Many people have had good luck with it in all kinds of shit. Me personally I'd run in it in most things but for a banshee I probably wouldn't run it consistently. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  19. Regular race gas and AV gas is no where near the same... av gas has high lead content and certain additives for weight and balance purposes of aviation. Also has certain additives to prevent vapor lock and running at different elevations. It may seem to run fine and it usually does just keep in mind that because of alot of additives and the lead it will run in your engine very dirty. Just make sure you use 100LL its the blue shit. Theres a few different kinds some places carry. if you go to a small airport they will sometimes sell it to you but you might need to provide a fake tail number just so they will sell. Just say like 88-0225 or anything like that,
  20. Looks like somebody already tried to fix it once.It originally has two holes where the bolts go though the pegs, someone welded a plate and some bolts or threads on it...i would cut that crap off and re do it a little better with some new bolts.
  21. Yep originality sells better. Specially considering what money goes into stuff. Great for buyers but sucks for people selling. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  22. Happy new year...lmao. you read it, liar. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  23. Gotta love that ego of yours. Point proven. Ive been riding my whole life since about 5. Ive owned and ridden bikes older then myself as well, by far...also who said this was my only bike, and yes you and your dyno orgies you always rant about with any argument.Who mentioned bullying? Its your Mr big wig e peen attitude that's makes you the moron. You can't simply have a discussion like others can. Its beyond your ability. Your in it for the attention and ego building or some shit I dont even know. You obviously read peoples posts and take them in context to where in your mind every1 is giving you attitude somehow and it makes you feel like your being attacked based upon your knowledge. There you go free psych eval. Example: I say I ride in conditions worse then most on this site. Key words, worse then most. Which is statistically correct since a larger percentage dune, drag, hillclimb and such. The percentage who ride xc terrain I guarantee are very slim. Somehow you take and make it out that I'm some super power wielding atv trail master from heaven or some shit. Dont confuse my ego with yours. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
  24. Anything to make you feel better about yourself. Like I said everyone has there place and yours must be on the internet to make yourself feel better. Go write a blog or some shit. That would be up your alley. Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
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