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About killshee

  • Birthday 07/17/1989

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    if it has wheels or a vagina.... i will probably be riding it!!

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    had to sell and looking for a fixer upper bc the eco is shit and im poor

killshee's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. anyone have just the basket starting to look like im gunna have to geet the whole thing off one of these guys
  2. dont worrie he ate my homework also......
  3. i only need a basket nothing else dog knocked mine of the table
  4. who has a cheep oem clutch basket for a 2001 banshee shipped (17814 PA)
  5. killshee

    WTB yfz parts

  6. killshee

    WTB yfz parts

    i have a 2005 yfz i need alot of stuff, plastics,motor,seat,gastank,wheels,rear hubs, sproket & brake hub, shocks, stem, bars, and exhaust i think that covers it. anything u got let me know even the lil stuff bc thats mostly what i need. it might be slow going as to i can only buy so much stuff at onces. i will bump to top every time i have a good amount to spend. bump and pm me. you can check my ebay feedback my user name for ebay is beulegeshoes77 thanks
  7. killshee

    WTB yfz parts

    i need alot of stuff, plastics,motor,seat,gastank,wheels,rear hubs, sproket & brake hub, shocks, stem, bars, and exhaust i think that covers it. anything u got. bump and pm me thanks
  8. guys u can buy these again ebay them u can get brand new set in the box to like close to 500.00
  9. do you have the hubs also ? please send pics beulegeshoes77@yahoo.com
  10. i am interested i am looking around locally first tho and i just realized that by the time i pay for a frame and shipping. i could buy a roller and have extra parts. ill let you know once i deside
  11. let me know what you have and how much shipped to PA 17814 i have money and can pay now! so let me know whats up
  12. my very first banshee did that it was a pluged up pilot jet i orderd 27.5 and it ran amazing after that! but it could be a number of thingsbad piston bad plug or bad plug wire the list goes on... i would start with compression test then clean the carbs realy realy good!
  13. im not sure what they go for and i can only come up with 200 just wanted to know if anyone has a cheep one with title or some way of showing it isn't stolen! i want to start a frame up project! if i need more money i could come up with it in a matter of a cupple weeks/checks let me know thanks!
  14. looks like its time to switch over haha ..... i ave always used klotz but if its that good im game to give it a try thanks for the info
  15. but it smells so good tho! so ur saying i should stay with amsoil and with type is the best type to use because i am under the imprestion there is more than one type of amsoil?
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