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About phrog70

  • Birthday 06/09/1970

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. how much for the frame......and do i get a family discount.
  2. check those carbs. and maybe a frayed wire touching something ?
  3. hello im looking for sites to view spindle mount wheels and tires . any info would be helpful thanks
  4. make sure the second gear bushing hasnt slid out towards the case on the left side. if so it will be hard to push out of gear. it happens all the time and makes it hard to turn gears without motor running. if its not centerred in gear need to recenter it and there arew other tricks to stop it but ul need to do some machine work and get a washer for it.
  5. ive got a wild port 370 that i run 41 pwk on alky with. 35s on gas should be good though
  6. do a leak down test. had one side acting funny and sureas h..l base gasket was leaking
  7. i put 6 in mine and it went down in 1 sec. lol base gasket leaking. that doesnt sound baddidu soap everything. i use 409 it works very well for bubbles
  8. looking for chrome swingarm plus 14 link. alum or chromally thanks
  9. phrog70

    blaster axle

    looking for blaster axle. 05 or newer will trade for stock banshee axle or give me a price shipped
  10. 25 bucks hook me up thats cheap concedering the guy that does your milling charges 90 bucks nigga/ lmao KIDS
  11. few things to check. first check the adjustment on the shift lever inside the case next to the star{ in repair manuel} next check the shift rod wear its grabing the star. had one barly grabing it when shifting to next gear but down shift was fine. had to put in vise and bend it a little bit to put it back in the center of the star. hope it helps, it alot easier to show it then write it out.
  12. whos manuel. is he the spark plug god
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