The parts are in good working order. They are still actually on the bike. I need to take it apart this weekend. The G-force i have had on there for 2 dune seasons so the chrome is dulled out. It is adj from stock,+2 and +4. The stock arms are cut out under the shock mounts to take the yfz450 shocks. They are from 98 and was a trail bike from when I got it. The arms are straight but can use some paint. The +2+1 burgard arms I got 2 years ago and only been in the dunes. The pc on them are great but for the bottom arms where the sand has dulled out the pc but not down to metal. I will do my best to work with everyone on parts.
Just trying to give everyone grabs on here and from Phx before I start paying shipping out my ace and adding all the parts to EBay.
I do NOT have extra tires for sale. I will be keeping them as spares.
It has been a great dune bike to me for what I have built it into. Im only selling/parting out the bike because I need a full shoulder replacement and have been told I need to chance my life style or I will not have use of it when im older. DAMN doctors! And damn ARMY