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Everything posted by dirtydownunder

  1. if it only works when it wants too, set up a time and day with it. ask it if next sunday is ok, at around 11am.
  2. i hate how they mount to the bike, with them pissy little bolts.
  3. winter weather will need richer jetting, warmer needs leaner. you need to know what jets are in there.
  4. the jet numbers are written on the jets. pull them out. warm the bike up on old plugs, put some new ones in, and go for a lil thrash. pull the plugs out and see what they are like, if they are all black n damp, its too rich. they should be a brownish colour. yes correct jetting will make the bike run much better.
  5. you dont jet for more top end or more bottom end, you jet for the amount of air your motor takes, by modding your bike, it will take more air, hence needing more gas. is your motor ported ? what jets were in there ? if its as stock port, with fmf and stock carbs and airbox. id start at 280 main (start at 300 if its still fucking freezing out), 27.5 pilot. you'll prolly end up at around 270/260. first off, what jets were in there, and how did it ride with em.
  6. ebay might have templates. here, youll find sponsors that port ya cylinders for 300-350$
  7. haha your boss sounds like a dickhead, id laugh at him, whats next, he wants to take on push bikes hahaha.
  8. hahaha the "best" questions are so funny. gota be a record.

    1. SAVAGE420


      Buncha Fuckin retard.

  9. yeh shit pic. just turn the fuel on, and push the line down, so the bubble exits through the tank.
  10. mine fit fine around the filters, just had to space the head pipes out a tad to relieve tension on the pipes.
  11. i lengthened the wiring, i used to hate seeing it above the engine and down the right hand side of the bike. so i lengthened the wiring and made it hug the inside of the frame.
  12. to totally rule them domes as the cause, sell/give them to some one, or try them in your new setup. you changed a few things to make it work.
  13. cant find the orginal, copyright shit in my county. this shit remix will have to do. HMMMM COOKIES
  14. Retorque once, when the engine is dead cold. After you've had it to operating temp.
  15. haha this is true, but i think the 4mm serval cylinder is the perfect "one setup" to buy, you can run it as is, have fun. then port for later on. if he really wants to end up with 80-90, its all in that cylinder and he wont have to buy more parts, besides gaskets and a port job, and still run pump fuel,( maybe not 90s but pretty dam close on pump !). if you really wanna stay stock cylinder, 70-75hp 4mm stock cylinder is a fun bike.
  16. should make a spacer up, so you can run 2 sets of wheels. thats at least 4" each side.
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