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Everything posted by GNR101

  1. has anyone come out with a heavier flywheel from stock yet?
  2. willing to ship overseas? will you sell without the cool head?
  3. last week i would have taken it... but also building a 10mm now
  4. read in the banshee tech section about a leak test up top.. and ATLEAST to a leak down test...
  5. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-350-BANSHEE-BIG-BORE-ATHENA-392CC-PISTON-CYLINDER-KIT-1987-2012-/321215845216?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4ac9f4d360&_uhb=1 new with pistons
  6. the front fender where it runs along under the stock tank
  7. Loved my -2 swingarm with 4mil duneport cpis and pwk33s.. even that had no issues with the front unless using paddles
  8. why are you boring them out? just to make it bigger cc?
  9. so 5-10hp over a 4mil dune port... but whats the torque??? hp sells cars torque wins the races
  10. nice!! still haveto catch up for a ride.. so i can compaire the differance
  11. Looking for a modded stock trans / cut legs But could be talked into a duneable over ride if the price is good
  12. Im looking for a stock cut trans for my shee
  13. Pro circuit's = lowend power CPI's = top end power... what do u want from your bike. i have CPI's ... great mid to top end, but shit bottem end suted to drag and on BAND riding
  14. can any put weight on the flywheel?
  15. +4mm hammerd today.. :)

  16. come fly with me

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