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Everything posted by pabansheematt

  1. 20 is height 10 tire width 9 is rim diameter.
  2. I always say 2 bottles are better then 1. as long as your talking about beer.
  3. your obviously riding a stock cylinder BANSHEE. If I put 20 inch razors I'd be in 6th gear going knowhere fast. I'm sure your not climbing the hills I am with razors.
  4. I ran realtors on my v-force they work well. would have been better if every other lug was cut out.
  5. your right, I found that vampires work about the best. swampers are my second choice.
  6. cant stand people who know nothing about riding in central PA. where the use of mud tires on a sport quad is necessary. cant climb hills with holeshots or razors, it just doesent work. Oh yea paddle tires last about 2 rides in the coal dirt.
  7. cant believe you dont like those headlight covers??
  8. you can take the end caps off the stock ones. I wont hurt any thing. I ran my 87 like that for 2 years.
  9. I think Vito's cranks are made in Taiwan. I had one and it lasted long. In fact its in my friends motor now. At that price I'd try it.
  10. all it's lacking is a little coal mud. looks good.
  11. Your right about the oil. I only use it because its free.
  12. Well maybe I just got luckey, but its the only way I could get them out, and trust me I tried everything I could think of. I even tried military grade pt oil. I found a little heat goes a long way.
  13. Those case studs dont come out easy, I've had luck with heat. I you have access to torches heat the aluminum around the stud untill its good and hot. Oh yea a 5 dollar propane torch wont work, if it does you'll be there for ever. drill them and have your easy outs ready. good luck.
  14. I've had v-3's in both my stock cylinder motor and in the cheetah and have only positive things to say. I dont know about SRP reeds, never heard of them.
  15. I was hoping someone would know for sure. I think it will bolt up since most calipers are the same. If I find out I'll let you know one way or the other.
  16. It made a big difference, and yes I did go with the stainless lines with stock banshee mastercylinder.
  17. My next suzuki is going to be a complete corn log theme.
  18. Im wondering if he put stiffer valve springs with his high performance cam?
  19. It took me 7 weeks to get mine. thanks to my wife calling and bitching every week I got it 2 days before christmas. But it is a high quality seat cover.
  20. If you really want one for free. Modify your stock one it's not hard.
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