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Everything posted by pabansheematt

  1. Mine had kinda the same problem, I tried everything from jetting to big bore pipes.It turned out to be a weak ignition coil, bike never lost spark and never fouled plugs. so I was'nt thinking electrical. So I finaly tried a coil of my friends bike and it ran great. good luck. hope you figure it out.
  2. If you ever figure this out let me know. xXblessedwithdeathXx has the same problem for over a year now we tried all the same stuff. I think he tried every pilot jet they make. He has the same exact problem someone out there has to have an answer. 2 into 1 = headache. stock carbs are better.
  3. Thats what I thought to. But i tried 45's 50's 52's 58's 62's and 68's. I found it runs preety smooth with the 62's. I'm thinking my problem stems from the 162 mains I was running, I now rejetted to 150's thinking of going to 145. Bike is running alot better with smaller mains.
  4. It has a 73.5 mill bore, and 4mill stroke & 5 mill rods.
  5. I seem to have got it fixed. The power valves were stuck closed. Must have been due to my way to rich jetting, I cleaned them out & put smaller jets in and its running way better. I think I need to go smaller yet. Maybe a 145 main.
  6. I have a 492 cheetah power valve motor. Bikes got cpi small bore pipes. Pj 34 carbs. jetting 62 pilot and a 150 main, that seems to be fine. Problem is at WOT it sounds like its breaking up, just quits pulling. If I lay of the throotle just a little it clears up. The only other idea I came up with is maybe the power valves are'nt opening all the way, but its a new motor so I kinda dought it, or do I need big bore pipes? Any help would be great.
  7. It must be one of those expensine 4 bangers.
  8. someone should buy them. cut them so they stick straight up in the air like big rig pipes. ( never seen stacks on a banshee ) Why not?
  9. The damage is already done. J.B. weld will do nothing but make it look a little better. as long as theres no leaks, let it go. Another idea is to trim the busted area with a die grinder, you could make it look better, ( less noticable) I've done this to a few bikes in the past.
  10. Did I tell you the blister blew up? O you can keep those swampers.
  11. first off only the preminum forged are made by Wiseco. 6hp is 6hp more then stock pistons not 6 more then Weisco. Vito's regular pistons are made in Taiwain. Dont buy the Vito's cast, they dont last.
  12. I see you got some of those shitty mud tires, if you want to junk them put them in my tire pile I'll dispose of them for free.
  13. They'ed look great with dual booste bottles.
  14. to run those 72 mm pistons you'll have to bore & port the top case, at least I had to on my cheetah.
  15. Was wondering if anybodys going to coal hill tomorrow, couple of us are going about noon.
  16. my friend had this happen a month ago. one of the o-rings moved. he torqued it down and it leaked. He tore it back down replaced it and good to go. those coolheads can be a pain in the ass.
  17. sounds like you pinched an o-ring. Its pushing compression into the radiator.
  18. not starting an argument but I think a race would be fun, see who gets bragging rights.
  19. In reguard to your comment about the tires. You should come up and ride for the day. You use your choice of tire and I'll use a set of vampires, we'll see who climbs more hills faster. cant stand people who never road the coal hill, yet are a expert on tires in central PA.
  20. I see you got some of those ugly headlight covers, and a twist throttle. HaHa.
  21. I believe your problem is lack of oil. that and the fact the trans has to be rotating to work properly. put it together it will work fine.
  22. you had more problems in one month, then I've had in 17 years of riding. Quit while your still alive.
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