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Everything posted by pabansheematt

  1. I was wondering if anyone was hitting the coal region this weekend? I was thinking of going out Saturday or Sunday. Weathers looking good.
  2. I would rate them as OK. Better then a Holeshot or somthing similar. If your into Big hills. Paddles are a MUST. Put it this way. If you have a stock Banshee with fmf pipes, and nothing else. Put a set of paddles and you'll be a coal bank hero if you have some balls.
  3. Cleaning out my Pm box now. Sorry I missed you John. I was out all day Sunday. It was a little cold but had a good time. You,ll find nothing works as good as a paddle. Vampirers are OK. But when its wet the hills are slick as shit in wet grass.
  4. I have a head for sale off my cheetah. The domes are pump gas 27cc, 73.5mm. The head itself will fit 400-535 cheetah motors. The domes are in good shape. Just a few scratches . $100 shipped.
  5. I hope mine holds up. I had a stock stroke one I bought new. Ran it for years. Sold it, got it back. Then sold it again. It was still tight, and I ran the shit out of it.
  6. I got one of there 4mill cranks. So far so good, but it only has 3 rides on it. What do you mean by seperate? Just split in the middle?
  7. I received the payment. I will get the arms and brake line out asap. Thanks Matt.
  8. The ones made by Wiseco are alright. But most of them are made In China.
  9. I have one in my cheetah. So far so good. I actually had a few Vitos cranks over the years. i never had a problem with the cranks. The pistons on the other hand is a different story.
  10. $265 shipped for everything. My paypal is mattjenn@ptd.net I can ship monday or tuesday.
  11. I think thats the same thing Vito's sells. If it is. I'd avoid it. just my 2c.
  12. vacuum pump is the way to go. If that dont work you got a problem.
  13. Vampires and swampers are ok on trails and good on climbs, unless your climbing sick climbs. If your into huge hills id go with a paddle tire. Paddle masters are about the best in coal, but very hard to find.
  14. I have a set of tie rods for them, but there black. Are you intrested in the brake lines also, or just the arms? Ill ship them through the post office. Thats the cheapest. Shipping would be $15.
  15. I got a set of +2 A-arms for sale. There used but in good shape, no dents or cracks. Chrome in pealing off the bottom of one arm. Asking $225 for arms. For another $25 I got a blue braided line that can go with it.
  16. That motor could handle 2 of those.
  17. No, I didn't even get it in the frame yet. But why do you ask? I just wanted to make sure I put it on in the right direction.
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