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Everything posted by TNTS355

  1. Im at work and tried to look at the bikes, now Im pissed I cant see them. If you ever need any help with builds let me know, I am less than 10-15 minutes away for ya. I live on the west side of Arlington at Little Road and I20.
  2. Now my wife told me I dont need to go to this thing planned............so I will probably make it.
  3. As of now its just my camper, no one else has gotten with me. I can share a spot as long as I get water and the 30 amp plug. H2olds in 133 across from m&m TNTS355 - 137
  4. I spoke to soon. I will not be there that weekend. I wa s reminded we have something going on that Saturday. Phleps I might make it that weekend.
  5. Might be interested, but that will be two weeks prior to Snake Hunt and I will be there for that also. If I do the weekend of the 1st that will give me almost a month between trips.
  6. Since I didnt get to go this weekend, I wanted to know who all would be riding that weekend of March 31-April 4? Any takers?
  7. Im am going to be very LONELY this week while ya'll are up there. Going tio missi all of ya'll!!!!!!!!!
  8. I had Evan do my 1-5 N down. He does it himself and does not farm it out. I know of seveal guys on here that 100+hp bikes that have never had a problem.
  9. you know I wiiil be, since Im the big spoon and your the little spoon, but I still need place to put all my shit.
  10. lets see of picks of the new quad
  11. I am in Texas also (Arlington) there are lots of them on craigslist.com. Let me know if you need some help, texas Boys got to stick together.
  12. Bump for a great guy. Springer and I have been trading and selling parts with each other for years.
  13. Personally once Im at the dunes Im staying at the dunes. If there are any grudges I need to take care off I can do it on the dunes. Thanks for the offer on the drag strip.
  14. You may want to stay home then if that bothers ya. There is lots of spooning, and at night around the camp fire when everyone goes to bed there are some nasty things going on around that fire. I have seen pictures of it, and it is not good!!!
  15. I will be there! I dont know what I will be riding but I will figure that out before I get there.
  16. If you just looking for a new place to ride there is Kermit Dunes in Kermit Texas. I will be a little closer to you. The dunes themselves are not that big but the area to ride is huge!
  17. Fast Fibers and you can put a kool paint job on thm.
  18. I plan on going to the middle or last of March. The again for Snake Hunt the last part of April.
  19. I just looked and there is nothing left but cabins at $160 a nite.
  20. Spurdy shut the fuck up!!!!! http://bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=138712 Im just saying also............lol.........o yeah and you "spurdy sucks".........
  21. Sorry I posted another thread also on, Little Sahara Snake Hunt 2011 , I didnt see this one. I will be there with Zakass9.
  22. Last night I went on Little Sahara Power Sports to see how many camp spots they had left. To my surprise they only had around 6 or 7 spots left. If your going post up what camping spot you have so we can all get together again. I am going to try to come up Wed night or sometime Thurs. TNTS355, Spurdy, springer quaddad817 - LSPS #137
  23. It all depends on what you want to do. If your just going to clean them, use oven degreaser on them then spray it off. If you want get a wire brush and put in on your drill and clean them up. I took mine to the powder coater and had them PCed black. They put them in the oven and cooked the oil out, sandblasted them and they PCed them.
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