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Everything posted by TNTS355

  1. I am 6'3/245 and I like mine lightened. Here is the website for the guy who did mine, http://flotekperformance.com/. He is a good guy and will give you some good advice and excellent customer support after the sale.
  2. I am putting together my car hauler to make a toy box out of. On the inside its 22 1/2X8ft. I have three other guys coming with me, DallasGDub, Spurdy and quaddad817. Like I said I am going to post a thread soon so everyone can start making plans. It would be a blast HQer's from the east and central meet the west coast HQer's.
  3. It would be kool it we all hooked up on Oct. Mich, NJ and Texas taking a little road trip. We could all meet up here in Fort Worth Texas and a straight shot on I20 to I10 to Glamis.
  4. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN!....Taking 36 hours of time for Snake Hunt is not a good economical decision, plus I dont have a place to park the trailer.
  5. That sucks, it is the weekend I am looking at going. I will also be there in May. Shannon you bunking with me again? You can as long as you wash your ass out first. The last time you ran all of us out of the trailer.
  6. Nope sounds interesting, mabe something I want to see. How about calling LSPS and see what they have to say about that weekend.
  7. Are you trying to tell us get there early to get a good spot?
  8. There is a group of us from Texas, Oklahoma and Mo, going in Oct. I will be posting a thread soon with the dates. So far I think we are looking at 8 people so far.
  9. Springer you better have your as there, with ur witout the wife. Blaster the season will be over in June. Quaddad817 and I are going to start riding in Annoa, when the dune season is over.
  10. Good Lord Man get busy, gotta be someone in your area that has a big truck. If we get there early enough I might be able to get a spot in the state Park and we could share the spot again.
  11. Mags i wished you would get a job that pays more, I will miss you. Scottie it will be good to finally have you come up. If you and GDub can get off on Friday maybe we can haul together on Thurs nite.
  12. I cant believe that no one is riding that weekend. Is everyone going to be to paried out or broke to ride?
  13. Since I dont like crowds, I will not be at LS for Snake Hunt. I will be there the weekend after Snake Hunt. Looking for a head count.
  14. Dont really know him but I met him this past weekend. He was parked across from me at LS. Seemed to be a nice guy. I think he even had a beer with us (Spurdy, quaddad817, Zak).
  15. Im glad everyone made it home ok. I know I am a puss for leaving early but I am glad we left when we did. Im sorry I didn't get to hang out with more Zak and Mel more, I will make sure I do more next time. It was good putting faces with the names like Cam and Springer. It was good meeting both of ya'll. Ya'll can come by and hang out at my trailer any time! Cam you can come by to eat whenever you like. I like to cook when people come back for 2nds. I will make sure I dont stay at camp as much next time. I like staying at the state camp grounds more alot less dust. So I I come down on Wed nite again I will make sure I stay at the state park. Cam maybe you can save me a spot if you get there before I do. SHANNON ROCKS!!!!.......Who in their right mind would put hot coals under a seat to stay warm. The was the best idea ever. See ya'llnext trip.
  16. I pm'ed you a while back do you still have the intake for sale. If so I will pic them up when I get back from the dunes.
  17. All loaded up going to get the truck washed, pick up some CC and Mike's! Trying to get a little R&R in before we head out. Springer I got all the shit you need. Should roll in around 12am or 1am. Keep the light on for us.
  18. got it mine is to, we will probably but them up end to end, since the site is like 90 ft long and 25ft wide.
  19. Spoke to Bob tonight looks like we are going to get out of here earlier than 8:30. He is goin to be at my house between 6 and 7 so we will be there earlier!
  20. Looks like we are going to leave Fort Worth on Wed around 8pm if Bob can get here and we will role in around 3am. Keep the light on for us!!!!!!!
  21. You download the pic's to photobucket and copy the link. I beleive directions are on the first thread on the for sale forum.
  22. The site is reserved for Wed night also. If you want to stay there on Wed you are more than welcome to. I can email you the reserve sheet that you put in your window. I spoke to Logo and he is making a BHQ sticker for my trailer, I told him to give it to you.
  23. dude you are sooooooo da man. See you on Thursday. Let me know if you need any parts and I will stop in El Reno at Phil's.
  24. Your right the other one is getting real long. It will be getting longer on Thursday.
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