My husband is a 3 wheeler guy and we wanted to be able to ride together but I didn't want to ride a trike, so he managed to pick me up a Banshee on a trade, yes I know something smaller and slower would have been better but the price was right... It's a lot of bike for me, and I knew that at the start, We did some preliminary riding on a couple of different kinds of trials and then headed for northern MI this past weekend with a bunch of trikes. I was having the best time, and was quite happy with my riding. I didn't think I was riding terribly hard and managed a couple of hills I was pretty impressed with. I guess I should have quit while I was ahead...
I was heading up a sandy hill with a bit of a trench to the right side. There was a corner at the top between a couple of trees. My plan was to put my left tires on the high side, stand on the high side of my shee and ride out the corner... it sounded like a good plan...
somewhere along the line, my front tire caught a root, and popped up in the air, I slid back a bit on the seat since I hadn't quite made it to standing. When I slid back I hit the thumb throttle, popped a wheelie and the front right tire hit the tree on the outside of the corner. the shee came to a quick stop, well the front did anyway, the ass end bucked me off the seat and over the handle bars. My husband didn't see me dismount as he was behind and down hill from me, but when Shee came back to the ground I was already laid out in the sand. My helmet did a perfect job, but I managed to bang my self up pretty good. After what seemed like an hour, really more like 15 min. we put her in 1st and i rode her out about 7 miles back to camp.
Being from Canada I chose not to go to the hospital in MI and wait till the next day when we got home. I hobbled around some but spent most of my time on the couch icing my knee and hand.
As it turns out, I broke a bone in my hand and the top of the tibia in my knee, surgery is imminent for the knee but the hand will likely heal on it's own.
The shee came out with jus a slight bed to the front A arm...
My dad (keep in mind here I'm almost 40) told me I had to sell the machine... my response? Not gonna happen... we were having way too much fun!
I'll be back, but looks like I'll mis the fall trip to Silver lake... BOO! :mad:
Thanks for listening.