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Everything posted by Coupelx

  1. I have 2 exhaust leaks making a mess out of everything. they are right where my trinity pipes meet the jug. there is an o-ring in there but its a joke. Any ideas as to what i could do?
  2. This is why people like you will always be followers and never leaders. I have owned and built a few turbo vehicles and sure its going to take some work but the potential payoff is huge.
  3. I am from lincoln and live in columbus. One of the best places is probably genoa. www.nohva.com for more places to ride and other info.
  4. if i trade i am looking for something a bit better than geckos. thanks.
  5. Compression is 148-150 on both sides. Test done with the motor at operating temp and at WOT. Both plugs out. gearing is 13/40
  6. Ill run a compression test tomorrow and post the results. i get through the gears fine. He is somewhat of a better rider but i dont think that would be whats wrong here especially from a roll.
  7. I am in need of paddles more than these MX style tires. The sizes are as follows: Fronts-21x7-10 Rears-20x11x9 They are pratically brand new. Heres a Few ways i am willing to do this Trade all 4 wheels (stock yamaha wheels) and tires for a paddle and front runner setup with wheels. Trade just the 4 tires for 2 paddles tires and 2 front runner tires Trade just the back tires for 2 paddles paddle tires. I need a good all around paddle. thanks!
  8. it doesnt appear to have been changed from stock but ill go out tomorrow and do a tooth count.
  9. I am getting raped by yfz's and the like. my cousin has a 04 yfz 450 with a pipe, jets and k&n. he is on the stock tires and i am on maxxis razors. He simply destroys me even from a roll. He admits my banshee should beat his 450. Specs: Rebuilt motor with maybe 30 hours on it. Trinity Powerflow Intake Kit Trinity Stage IV Exhaust System V-Force Reeds Trinity Stage IV Standard Head Dual Aftermarket Flatslide carbs (dont remember the exact size but bigger than stock) no airbox lid The plugs look great! Do i need different gearing? I am thinking of an adjustible timing plate for sure.
  10. Would like it to be close to perfect.
  11. I run castor927 and it does indeed smell good, especially with race gas, reminds me of my old gas powered rc car. What are the thoughts on Hp2? i have been told to run it instead.
  12. I dont know how ethanol would clog stuff but it is corrosive. they are not complete opposites, the ethanol raises the octane rating just like the xylene and toulene in race gas. i have run it in my turbo 2.3 mustang. I went from 35# injectors to 72# injectors and some tuning to get it right.. It take alot more so you will have to increase jet size considerably. It has an octane rating of around 111-113 if i remember correctly and it burns cooler than conventional gas. I stopped using it because of the cost and the low mpg. it is ended up beaing cheaper to just run premium with either torco or race gas mixed in.
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