you are gettin this all wrong, you act like im attacking your knowledge...
yes you know tons about banshees. of course
yes you have helped even me in the past, im sure quite a few times
but the part you are missing... is that you do so like a douche bag (most of the time)
people dont like to be talked down to... thats why, like you said, people PM questions to people who knwo their shit, because they know if they post it in public for eveyrone to see, that they will be ridiculed by idiots like you trying to impress their friends... people come here for help with their banshees, not smart ass answers and insults from know it all;s like yourself...
your vast banshee knowledge and all the people you have helped doesnt make up for the fact you are a dick.. point blank. your an asshole. live with it.
and you have kids? wow...