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Everything posted by dave5.0

  1. Where's the list of site sponsors that do this kinda stuff?
  2. Ya they are alright carbs. As good as anything else. I know I'll have a set of stock carbs that already have the idle kit put in them with the caps. Also have an airbox with a pro design adapter plate and a foam aftermarket filter. Got more parts stashed but no sure how much of them we are going to need yet. I need to check the condition of the stuff I have before I can get ya a price.
  3. Could be. Prob nickel plated. Which is a step short of actual chroming. I think. Still shiny if kept up, but its different. Thinner. Just not as glossy.
  4. Oh. Wrong side of the planet. But I could ship. You have stock carbs. Those are always mikuni. The filter I think is a Uni two stage which is foam similar to stock but with the clamp like a k+n. it's on my kids bike now. I haven't taken it off to look it over yet.
  5. Sounds right. Pretty sure it's righty tighty lefty loosy. Where you live kid? You in oregon? I just picked up another banshee for my kid. We have a few of these parts you might be interested in. Tell your pops you don't wanna go back to the stock filter setup. Too easy for it to come loose and suck crap in. You have to run the airbox lid to keep the filter in place or put some screws in it. The Pro Design style plate is the way to go of you're going to keep the airbox. Ive never had a problem with hose clamp style coming loose. We have an extra plate already with a foam filter in a box and a set of carbs with the torrs kit already installed. Just bought a set of aftermarket carbs so all of it can prob go away. If you're local I'd help you guys out if ya need it.
  6. Steel wool will scratch if ya have good chrome. I've got show chrome pipes. If I even look at them with steel wool it's nasty.
  7. I usually scrape real easy with a razor blade so I don't leave scratches to get the heavy chunks. Just don't use steel wool or some shit like all the rednecks will tell you. Will scratch the shit outa the chrome. Some carb cleaner or brake clean on white scotchbrite for the smaller amounts. Then some kinda polish.
  8. Wonder if a PD impeller can be used on a stock shaft?
  9. If its mud issues go to the hardware store and buy some of that 1/8" thick aluminum bar. That stuffs not real expensive. Could prob make two of those things outa one piece. Just cut it and bend it in a vice. If its a decent hardware store you could prob even find rubber bumpers like the cascade ones have and mount them on the ends.
  10. Are your fenders sagging? If that's the only reason you want a set, get a heat gun and warm up the fenders around where come out from under the seat. Hold up on the fenders till they cool. Just did it to my kids and they are straight as an arrow. I've never had a problem with any of mine sagging before.
  11. I don't know how I could ever sleep in whatever place they are in again. I'd have to padlock myself into a room or something. That's f'd up.
  12. This part. I'm not hatin either. I got nothing against them, just never really got it either. I'm sure they're as nice as anything else. Just never saw a reason to give twice what other used pipes are getting.
  13. I'd like to know too. I never cared much for them. The look never did much for me either.
  14. It's supposed to. But I don't tune for shit, and haven't had a dyno close until recently. Hopefully ill find out this spring with everybody else. You know I really don't give a shit right? Today I'm sick and medicated. I just like to see your 3 page replies to short questions. Giving me something to do while I lay on the couch.
  15. That's the first time I've heard that I think. I thought the plastic/nylon or whatever stock ones came apart? What do stock ones cost?
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