I think JD makes a pre runner type setup with a light bar mount on the top of it. HP should get one and try it out. Would really class up your ride I think.
Your welcome for this post Windy.
So we are talking about losing power from pumping loss. So it takes power to pull the air through the filters that the engine needs. So that would make sense to me that the larger filter area then would be better. Whatever motor can only pump so much air. So the air inside the filter is free or already worked for. So that gets used up more has to be pulled through the filter to replace it. There's a certain amount of restriction in the material. So the more filter material it has to pull through the less it has to work? Am I getting that right? Or making any sense? So it should be easier to pull 10 cfm of air through 20 sq in of filter material than it is through 2 sq in. Right?
Spellcheck jacked me up. I talked to somebody from jersy lookin for a stock one the other day. Was supposed to get them a pic and I forgot. I'm the douche from Oregon.
Kind of a gay, gross, creepy version of those old SKIN industries graphics where the chic has her tounge out for your junk. Except these look line some weird ass old man clown thing wanting your junk.
I wasn't implying that you had a "stock" swingarm. I was referring to the length. How much over is that? I'm not bashing or hating. Just speaking from a lil bit of experience. I don't have near the ride time under my belt that it seems you do. I was running a +6 up hills with about 2/3 the power and torque you're talking about. It's a handful up hills. I'm going to a +8. That looks like maybe its a +4? I'm thinking once you get up to a certain point with chassis length the motor bike will be borderline unridable. If you get into a sticky situation it'll eat your lunch in a hurry.