alright im taking on the yfshee project so all my 4 stroke stuff is for sale.
-05 cases completely bare ready for pc. nearly perfect
175 shipped that includes the clutch side case too.
275 shipped profesionally powder coated any single stage color.
-05 head valves and cams are out but included.
275 shipped
-red fci intake
100 shipped
-9 inch nmotion the loudest most bad ass pipe made for these things.
- gytr kickstart kit
-05 tranny
-flywheel and stator
-kickstart only harness with built in capacitator to run fan. custom built
im probably missing some stuff, but whatever the motor had i have and is for sale all prices are obo. that being said im not going to give this shit away.
i would be interested in trades for super clean banshee cases, 4 mil cub cylinders, r2's, etc... also looking for a long travel front end for the yfz and +4 axle. i can add cash on top for the right stuff.
ill add pics as soon as i can.