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About OhtonLIES

  • Birthday 09/14/1970

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Actually, what's really funny is that picture that you have for your avatar. Now that's some funny shit right there.
  2. Well who the fuck appointed you the job of being my personal life coach? I don't care what you think or what you say man, it has no bearing on what I do, say, or think. You are just trying to take shots at me and piss me off, but it's really not working. I'm not going to go postal or anything.
  3. Why are you guys so concerned with my identity? What is knowing who I am going to solve? I am not worried about you becoming my fan either. I said what I know about Charlie Ohton, you can choose to believe or not to believe, why does it need to go further than that? Would you like to see someone get all heated and say "Man I'm going to kick this guy's ass for talking shit about Charlie"? I mean, why else would you want to know who I am?
  4. I have never had a screen name on this site before. I never came to this site before this as a member. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't believe it. I could care less.
  5. For the same reason Charlie is now friends again with the people he bashed for a year and a half. He shifts gears and changes friends when it is to his benefit.
  6. Who I am has no bearing on what I know. Nothing I have said is a lie. You are all free to believe whatever you want. I am not trying to start a fight, I am just stating my opinion and the facts that I know to be true. If anything that I say gets a thread locked then I apologize. Nothing I have said has ever been discussed with Louie. By the way, my screen name was banned on Planet Sand a long time ago and I have only viewed Planet Sand without a name for atleast a year now. Feel free to have a moderator remove my posts if it bothers everyone so much.
  7. "I would like to see the sport grow, maybe even to the level of NHRA, But there are many issues that would need to be handled differently" I agree with this, but Charlie Ohton is not the person that can accomplish this. He speaks from both sides of his mouth and everyone knows this. When he gets caught trying to pull some BS, that's when Sherry chimes in with the violins and the "oh, poor Charlie" bullshit. It's all a game they play. I am sorry to all of you supporters, but I have seen it first hand as many people have. If you are not the "buddies of the week", you will get nowhere with Charlie or Planet Sand. Just ask Louie from Twister how hard it is for him to get a good spot in the pits at any race he attends. Ohton has his favorites, and if you are not one of them then you are left out in the cold. If you are not willing to make it a fair and balanced playing field for everyone, then you should not be organizing these types of events.
  8. Well let me start by saying that Charlie Ohton is a backstabbing liar and that this little move he made definitely reflects him as a person. I know many things about Charlie and Sherry that people should know. The first thing is that Charlie is NO ONE'S FRIEND. He acts like he is buddies with everyone and in the same breath will talk shit on you as soon as you turn around. I have personally heard him talk shit about Dan and Donnie from A&S, Ruben from Rub Dubs, Buddy from SSR (out of business now), Doug from D&M, RATV on many occasions, and even their current "buddies of the month" Glendale Steel. Sherry once said that she thought Scotty looked like he had Down Syndrome as Charlie sat there and laughed. They said how stupid Dan was to keep letting Donnie ride the A&S bikes because Donnie was obviously a mental case. They bragged about having Dan Hull in their hip pocket because they supposedly paid for Dan's bikes to go to the first planet Sand race in Mexico. I have seen and heard so many things from these people and it makes me sick that anyone would even consider putting a dollar in their pockets. Charlie Ohton does not represent this industry and all of the great people it has in it. I hope he perishes as a result of his greediness, because we are all better off without him
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