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    Alberta, Canada

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HQ Noob

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  1. I agree 100% with you, could not have said it any better myself ! most kids dont realize what it takes to put food on the table..Also like you said I cant beleive some of the parents out there ! they may be a good parent but dont give there kids direction..
  2. thats really great to know ill have to givem a try lets us know when u get ur motor back and how it runs ands it kinda sounds like that girl was coming on to you husband or not haha
  3. ya caving is pretty sweet right downt the road from my old house there is caves that have been aroded bye water for thousands of years and creates really cool rock tunnels through the earth they call them the scuttle holes and the rd is called scuttlehole rd but theres small holes that are accesed right bye the road but the big ones are are in the middle of the woods were hardly anyone knows where they are its pretty sweet but pretty dangerious and freaky cuz of the damn bats that stay in some of the tunnels alot of houses are bulit ontop of the holes and they dont even know that thers tunnels underneath them but bcuz there all rock tunnels they houses dont cave in over time
  4. looks good but look at the frame and the mounts where that one ding is on the a-arm... and make sure everything is tight.. and ask alot of questions make sure everything is in good working order.. id ask him why he changed the carbs as well just... make sure it runs through all the gears good mayby check the compression.. i suppose this is just to make sure that its all in good working order so that you wont have to spend money after you just spent alot allready ..Also check the brakes and make sure they work good
  5. I like those plastics on there lookin pretty trick really
  6. Ive had enough talking about this
  7. and yes there is countrys that could use our help more and if you arent able to notice that, then your just really near cited and need to look into this more, because this is one fact that i know of for sure !!!!!! In Darfur alone there is over 4 million people relying on humanitarian aid for food, in 3 years alone there has been more than 400 000 people killed 200 000 bye there own government and you wonder why I say they need more help than Iraq becuase they have a goverment that works 100% against there own people there gov work with militia to invade towns and kill and rape woman and children
  8. Hey if i got paid hundreds of thousands a year to make those decisions i would make them and it wouldnt be the same as bush's decisions and thats why some people succeed and others dont because of the decisions that they make!
  9. what the hell does that have to do with anything im just stating my opinion it might be wrong I really dont know, u arent in the head of the man so u dont know either
  10. well like i said there not going to tell us the things we dont like to hear why the hell would they and ya if they did slip up then im sure it would be all over the news why are they still sending troops over there ? why dont you see this much effort being put into country's that need help more ?
  11. http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/oil/irqindx.htm I am not saying this is what its all about by any means but bcuz of this will gain the U.S money and profits I am just trying to say whether oil or not theres hidden factors that i am sure non of us know ! I just dont think its purely over 100% what Bush claims
  12. have you not figured that out OIL theres more oil in Iraq than anywhere else the U.S i beleive dont quote me on this but has taken over quite a few oil refinerys and such since this has started I personally think thats what alot of this is over
  13. ok ill correct myself we dont have enough people over there! (Africa) and like you say they are there to stabilize the country not make it better which bush claims hes doing in Iraq mayby he is mayby not i dunno I just think if Bush put as much effort into things that are better suited to helping ppl and not himself then things would be better off and dont tell me I dont have a clue on what im talking about i dont know about all the politics around this situation and dont know as much as others but have a basis i go from, so i say what i think and correct me if im wrong you dont need to be a dick about it !
  14. ya i partied with Lahey here in Canada and Randy at a big party thing we have every year here at trudeau park In tweed Ontario you guys should make the trip lol its a crazy party Lahey and randy did the opening thing for the bands playin and there are really like the way they are displayed on t.v Lmao
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