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About nitrousbaby

  • Birthday 04/27/1983

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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    family, and riding my banshees!

Previous Fields

  • My Banshee (optional)
    2000 banshee cpi pipes, ported, and nitrous 1997 banshee sst pipes and one carb kit

nitrousbaby's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. whoever picks this bike up will be more then pleased... bike is a 10 out of 10. done right and moves out great.
  2. interested in any parts? i got a mild ported top end, and plus 4 durablue axle, prodesign intake, and lots of other banshee crap.
  3. heres a pic this bike is top knotch everything on them is in perfect shape from what ive seen.
  4. had a great time this weekend met lots of new faces and had alot of great drag racing. for the most part my new build ran well but i got ALOT of kinks to work out yet.
  5. ill be ridding this... no plastic my full bores are makin it. but say hi im sure youll see me swearin at this thing all weekend i imagine since its the maiden voyage.
  6. Ill be there in a old 88 dodge truck with my wifes banshee and my new green one.. jd Id like to meet you we live kinda close to eachother and ive heard alot of good about you stop over and say hi
  7. that stem chromoly? and length would be nice too
  8. pm sent on the tank and shaws... oh and what clear hoses does the radiator have? any pics?
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