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Posts posted by Washburn

  1. Kinda off topic but this girl I talk to has a brother with a 2wd 2 stroke scrambler I think its the 400. He was up at the bar with us and was braging about how fast it is and how he will smoke me in a drag. I said put your money where your mouth is and bet me a hun. He said no I want to do it for slips. I said no for a couple reasons 1 I would feel bad just taking someones bike off of them like that 2 what if I stalled or something and lost mine. So I said 200 and he said no slips. I probably wont do it.


    and yeah put it up in your local cycle trader. It might take you a month or less. It would be well worth it. Be patient and you will get the Banshee of your dreams but when you jump at a deal it usualy ends up not being what you want. then you have to throw all kinds of $$$$ at it. Trust me on this one. If your gonna do it do it rite.

  2. yeah DOWN is cool


    necrpohaigia, ha, good shit

    i met phil a while back, and he was showing me his back tattoo, the celtic frsot album cover of morbid tales!


    ha cool shit


    anybody remember back in the early 80s when pantera was bordeline galm? LOL


    and chrisptopher walkein is pretty cool


    Yeah I met Phil after a SJR concert too. I was hanging out with Jimmy Bower in the bar next door and I seen Phil come out and I said to myself I gotta meet this dude. So I went out and started bullshiting to him and he was asking the oddest questions with like a 20 second pause between each of his words. Whatever.


    BORDERLINE GLAM dude Pantera Espically before Phil were straight GLAM! Diamond Darrell REX ROCKER! hahaha!

    The Power Metal album does have a few cool songs on it though. PST TIGHT 88. "pussy tight"

  3. yeah he's a nut

    he is in some black metal bands too {side bands}


    and he owns house of shock!


    Yeah he played guitar for Necrophagia and he played guitar/drums/bass/vocals for his band viking crown. He also did something with Eibon. His latest project is with Mike D williams from EHG and it sucks ass.


    I always wanted to go to House of Shock though. You have to sign a waver so the zombies can jump out and touch you. Awsome!


    Superjoint is cool in my book but Down and Pantera are far better than Superjoint could ever be IMO




    Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:41 pm










    This is pretty cool. Walken owns.





    ABC News reports that Christopher Walken has agreed to play Ozzy Osbourne in "The Dirt", a movie based on M

  4. Here is a vid of frontman Phil Anselmo of Pantera/Down/Superjoint Ritual and a few other bands. He was my idol when I was 14-20. My whole wardrobe used to be a pair of jeans and a Pantera T shirt. then I seen vids of him like this and I just lost all respect for him. Hes still GOD on stage but he lost everything else.



    I know a few of you like Phil. What do you think about this. Its funny hows hes as stoned as a china man in an opium den but hes talking about recovery.

  5. DAAAAAAAMN! That a huge mudhole. Im afraid to take my shee through a little puddle cause Im concerned mud will get into the internal stuff mabey cause a short and make it bog. As far as getting shocks dirty yeah it happens but they also make shock covers Cheap so you can avoid that.


    Go with the elkas you wont be dissapointed.

  6. ok i was just wondering about the welding the crank and stuff. ok so when i port it what all else am i gonna have to do? new pistons? weld the crank? timing plate? what is absolutely neccessary to do to have the right setup wiht a drap/play port?


    Yes the Wiesico pro lites are the better stronger piston for the setup. That includes getting it bored .20 over. You can run stock pistons and just get the new top end kit for them but for the extra pistons $160 and bore $60 its worth it for preformance and reliability. I believe the correct recomended timing advance for the dune/play is +4. You also must get your crank trued and welded.

  7. Ill put my bone stock motor espically when I get suspention up against any of your dune/play or drag ported motors and I will eat you alive 10 times out of 10 in the woods. More power doesnt always mean more USEABLE POWER! Not to mention alot of you have + swingarms witch doesnt stand any chance in the woods against a stocker unless its one crappy rider riding the stocker.

  8. Yeah put your mods on get an IMPELLER. Worry about getting a new crank when you hear a real bad noise. I recomen gettin the stock crnak welded sure . Split the cases yourself though. then send your crank out. some people will tell you 1000 just to split the cases. NO. Not at all. :beer:

  9. I don't think there's any foolproof way to get deals on ebay. If you want something, it doesn't matter when you fucking bid, because some other jackass wants it just as bad and will ultimately raise the price to damn near retail. So you mash the Raise Bid button the last 2 minutes of the auction, because your arch-nemesis bidder wants it too. Then, it's no longer about the fucking item, it's "this bastard ain't gonna win", and soon you do the equivalent of going all in with a pair of fucking deuces in a game of Texas Hold'em. If you're lucky, you lose on the auction and laugh cause the other jackass just got his price jacked up at the last second, and you try again on the next auction.



    Ah yeah. Good point man. Thats what I was saying. No point in bidding if you know your not going to get it. Some people do but it comes natural to some people to actualy KNOW your just raising the bid. Doesnt really matter a deal is a deal. If you get it great but if you dont. DONOT RAISE THE BID!


    Im bad at cards though. :laugh: Texas holdem chill. Ill keep the money in hand!

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