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Posts posted by Washburn

  1. We have brand new ones at the shop for 21.50 shipped. I just bought a manual off of ebay for like 7 new. I think its the Yamaha manual but if it is the clymers Ill let mine go for the price of shipping for a fellow HQ Member. Ill let you know when it gets here.

  2. We mostly ride gravel roads, some trails as well and the odd sand pit. From what I'm reading on this site it may be best for me to stick with the FMF pipes - I also understand that the pipe must somewhat match the port job for the combo to work properly.


    Yes the FMF Pipes will match up very well with an MX Woods style port. For your riding style and port job the CPIs would basicaly be to much pipe. Stick with the FMFs unless they are dented to the point that they are restricting exhaust preformance. If that is the case the Toomey T5s would be an ideal pipe for your riding/motor.

  3. Your probably sucking air in somewhere or your jets are really cloged up. Check your carb boots/intakes reeds check the head for any air leaks. Change your gas and plugs make sure your getting spark. Look into those areas and you will find the problem.

  4. Yeah do a compression test to make sure. You never know where your compression is and you could end up blowing a motor if you dont know. As far as it kicking over easy thats just how 2 strokes are I can start mine at 150 psi in each cyl with an easy kick. Its when its cold and flooded out when you have to hold open your throttle and kick it like a muel.

  5. Im thinking just good ole Yamalube 2-R. I had my gas tank outside for a month in the cold with 927 in it and it came out almost milky. Not good. I think Im just gonna run the 2R for the rest of the cold season and go back to the Castor in the warmer season. Ive ran Yamalube in my LT250R its whole life and it never complained.

  6. i wouldnt go that big on carbs... his motor is stock stroke and bore ... only change was the porting...


    If his agressive dune port is as big as Im thinking even with stock bore I dont think the 33s would be too big and if he were to get a bigger port later on they would come in even more handy. I dont think going from 26 to 28 would make as noticable a diffrence as say 28s bored out to 30 or just 33 with ports being open that much and the type or riding he does. Thats just my oppion.

  7. I'm sure the vforce are better as they use a aftermarket cage but you can't beat the tdr's for the price..


    True, The price is rite and they claim more HP but only real condition testing from non biast riders will tell. I have the VF3s and I am buying rite after I make this post actualy some stock cages with Boyesen reeds in them from a member as a very nice package deal. So I will be able to test them both out and post results based on a non ported motor with a head and 20cc domes then a +4 advance. This should be fun.

  8. Well thats the way it goes, its shiney, says boost on it, and claims HP Gains. Of course people are going to buy them. Espicaly since big name companys were making them. Tells you alot rite there. Whatever. The crossover tube is there but I cant see any fuel getting into it or air flow for that matter. It serves as a lightweight knuckle buster along with the TORS Housing. Yamaha should of just put a damn killswitch on the Banshee in the first place. I can see why they did that though.

  9. what do you mean by spacer plate the guy who built my motor put a spacer plate on my trinity stage 4 with v force 3 reeds nd i haVE 2 33 PWKS just wondering i would hate for it to blow up


    Its just a chance when you could have had your domes cut (you already have the head and domes) and ran shorter Blaster style pistons or wiesco 795 series to make up for the stroke clearance instead of running a spacer plate witch could or could not leak. It really shouldnt but stranger things happen. Just check it more often.

  10. I live in Pittsburgh. Lawrenceville/bloomfield area Main Street to be exact. I ride up my camp In Harrisville, Im in the Village of Nectarine and live off of Jacobs road if any of you know where thats at. I need to find some places by grove city.Fellow Banshee riders would be great. Im tired of all of these 400exs. They are like locusts where Im at and the new 450s Raptors some 250rs and very few Banshees.


    Hey BANSHEE NUT where do you ride? I play the Pine Grove golf course all of the time. Do you get Buchanan Racing to do any of your work/parts. Im sure youve heard of them. I live about 5 minutes away from Cody. Im at his shop bothering him all of the time :biggrin:

  11. Auction ended. Its a pretty good deal but its in very rough shape. The seller dident pull any punches though. its an 88 so the frame is probably pretty rough. New bearings and bushings ide imagine all around. Those shocks probably havent been serviced since he bought them so theres no telling if they are salvagable. If I had the cash on hand Ide probably pick it up but it would be a pretty big project and getting a motor slapping it in there after you completly restored it wouldnt pay off to much if you wanted to sell it being an 88 and all. It would be a good project drag bike for me though :biggrin: and after Im done with my Woods/GNCC Banshee a drag Banshee is in the future for me.But thats not even worth thinking about with all I have going on with my 03 rite now.

  12. i just want one of those oils that smells good.. youve gotta have it after youve smelled it once!!!



    I know exactly what you mean. I run Castor 927 for that "sweet" 2 stroke smell obviouslly for alot of other reasons more important than smell but you get the idea. Klotz R-50 is comprable in smell.

  13. If your looking into a Toomey pipe with your setup (you say its ported) you should definatly go with the T-5s. TR6s are not meant for ported engines. FMF Fattys are also a very good pipe. Great power espicaly over stock. So if the Toomeys are too expensive with the shipping and whatnot. Im not sure what that would cost. The FMFs would be the way to go.

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