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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. Type in let me google that for you on google and it takes you to the website, then copy/paste and wahlah.
  2. Shipping will be so high it'll hardly be worth it, and you just started 3 weeks ago? I would never pay someone with that little experience that kinda money.
  3. Same as above^^ except I duct taped a rag around the front loop that the plastic hook on the seat goes onto, no more movement.
  4. If you would trade the whole bike for a 4mil cub motor what would you sell the bike for?
  5. Utley's from Florida I believe. And as for paypal coming through, I got some wheels off ebay a couple years back for my truck that were suppose to be a 6-spoke design and guy sent some 8-spoke ones. It took forever to deal with it, I even had to take pictures to send to the guy to prove it was completely wrong, he was an ass, but once I opened a paypal claim he caved. Open up a claim ASAP just to make sure.
  6. Holy quad-post...easy on the submit button there. Did you wash the quad after riding it, still have the TORS? Still have parking brake?
  7. Sucks, paypal will probably take awhile but usually comes through. J/c and completely off topic but what exactly do you measure to find the length of the rods, you said you had to put it in the case 1st?
  8. Cool, the last time i was at the website it wasn't showing the different beam patterns for some reason.
  9. My bad, worded that poorly now that I re-read it. Anyway you can get pics at night with the lights on so I can get an idea of the pattern they put out. Sorry bout that. What was the link you had for the place you got your battery.
  10. I can't remember exactly which years swap out, sorry. I bet Minkia has one layin around though, he's in MI.
  11. Hey snop anyway you can get pics of each light individually, cover the other 2 up or something. I don't really wanna pay the $$$ for all 3 lights but figure just 1 of these, possibly the Euro one would be better than the stockers? Just tryin to get an idea here before summer so I can start stockin up on parts. Also, is the dc conversion necessary for the LED lighting, or just so you can run a battery? And does the battery stay charged off the banshee's electrical system? Not sure it was mentioned or if anyone had asked. Nevermind just re-read that the battery gets charged up.
  12. Didn't he buy a bike from NYUK a few months ago and what not, sell some parts and was all fine with the sight? Seems like another bigred on our hands already.
  13. I'll agree threats toward a website are WEAK. Ban him or don't ban him that's just pansy shit. As for the Loco attitude thing, that's a whole other thread. If I owned a website, no offense but you are not the face I would want to be up front. Yes you are doing some good things for the site, but the I'm big and bad and almighty go fuck yourselves attitude is not what a head-position needs. That make sense? And I say that with all due respect :biggrin:
  14. Cool, I thought it had sold awhile back, so just wasn't sure who was running it now.
  15. meh, you still hold that shit sideways right
  16. Please tell me you do consider 9/11 an attack right? And no the Iraq war was not the answer to that, moreso the war in Afghanistan.
  17. Gangster's don't use lasers, gees you of all people I figured would know this. You do get this sight though:
  18. I use the same plugs no matter stocker or cub. What would change?
  19. Do you have another bike/buddy to try to pull-start you? How much have you kicked it tryin to get it to start?
  20. Did you say it won't even start, or just runs bad? Sorry couldn't remember.
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