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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. okbeast

    UFC 102

    haha, well thanks for still being here offering the same advice you always have (none, if you can't remember)
  2. okbeast

    UFC 102

  3. Try doing a compression check to see what you get.
  4. Hm, this battery pack idea makes this very tempting. I'm assuming you have prices for all that stuff too?
  5. Are the helmet lights the same power draw as the others (euro, spot, etc.)? I couldn't really tell by the picture, but didn't figure they were.
  6. Ya I've never had any troubles with mine, except having a 421 cub trying to shift on a stock tranny, which I really have never had the problems others experience, I guess because I keep it all adjusted correctly.
  7. What kind of run times could you get out of a rechargeable battery pack? As you know from earlier conversations I'm wanting to do some sort of setup but only need it maybe 2 times out of the year for just a little night-riding so don't wanna spend alot but love the light output of these.
  8. okbeast

    Set of Wheels

    I got some stock one's pc'd satin black. 9" rears and 10" fronts I believe.
  9. Heck most of our builders are too old to ride I think :biggrin:
  10. Not downing Passion at all, but this speaks worlds for Kevin's turn-around time.
  11. Try going through the GOW horde mode. We did it one sunday afternoon for 8 hours I think, time flew by though lol
  12. No dice i'd say. Just getcha a new setup.
  13. Getting it jetted right on will make a world of difference. I went from some 34pj's to some 35pwk's and maybe I have it tuned in better with the 35's but it runs totally different now.
  14. Not a clue what an EEK clips is like. I'd get some CEL needles if I were you. Either that or just the stock needle that comes in them. That's what most people run and could help you tune it. Otherwise ask around and figure out what the EEK needle is like and tune around that.
  15. http://www.rockymountainatv.com/search.do?...ord=keihin+jets cheapest place for jets bar none.
  16. I'm just glad I could help everyone else get themselves in a new truck. Stupid fuckin programs
  17. Do the trailtech look-alikes feel like a heavy well built light or some cheapo walmart special?
  18. Gotta do whatcha gotta do if you don't have a jig-saw around. With the right blade I think anything would work fine lol.
  19. Got some a-arms from him a few weeks ago. He worked with me on some tubing size changes and had to re-rig up because he wasn't making these exact arms anymore. Very fast shipping and great work.
  20. Sawzall or jigsaw works well too. Sandpaper, file, and a small torch does wonders.
  21. I'd say start at 162, might need to come down to a 158. CEL needle as well with 48 or 50 pilot. I run a 155 main 48 pilot and CEL needle and I'm around 1000 ft.
  22. Just try another one and see if it fits tightly. If it does ur good to go I would imagine they're all the same.
  23. 91 pump with around 40oz's of methanol mixed in with it. Ran fine ever since i've been doing this.
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