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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. rockymountainatv.com has teh best prices on these.
  2. If he gets a duneable they can be backloaded up to like 6 or 7k rpm's. So it can be downshifted. End of story.
  3. This is not correct. You can still down-shift. With a regular override you have to pull the clutch and wait till you come to a complete stop and then downshift. With a duneable you can back-load it to a certain extent but it will wear on it.
  4. I don't think it would be good for it, but that's neither here nor there. Run w/e filter you like. If it works for you it works.
  5. There must be some awful big/bad stuff goin on in these Extreme's to be breaking gears and bending gear shafts...
  6. Go back to a 25 pilot and try again. You don't need a 30 at all.
  7. This is what I'm gonna do, not sure if it'll be a WCR though.
  8. Depending on what caused it to happen, i.e. what you were doing when it happened it is probably rings. Nikasil is hard as can be, it'd take alot to score it. If it does need re-plated I've heard anywhere from 150-200 per hole for that, but not sure if that's accurate.
  9. Whatcha got?
  10. Not what he was asking at all. It is ok to paint the sides and no the fins don't have to be painted. If you were to paint them just make sure there is room for air to flow through.
  11. Yes but who says it's not rigged. I guarantee you if K&N did a commercial there's would stop everything and everyone else's would let dirt through. I'm not gonna argue either. I ride with probably 6 bikes that all run K&N's. We ride in sand, and some dirty conditions. We all keep the filters well-maintained and when we take them off after a ride there's not a bit of dirt on the inside of the filter, carb, nor reeds. And I'd also says it's a give and take on performance. All the big bikes I've seen run the K&N or K&N copies, coincidence?
  12. Any filter maintained properly will work like it is supposed to. Under oil a K&N or foam filter and it won't work. Over oil one and it will clog up. Get the angled K&N's, should help out. But they may rub on the frame by the top shock mount. Just something ya gotta deal with.
  13. Have you tried some new plugs? Kick it over with the plugs out and see if both look to have strong spark.
  14. Don't have any of your parts but what would you sell NBA2k10 for?
  15. Yeah 55 sounds kinda high. Try a 50, I run a 48 and am fine. Similar temps and elevation in Oklahoma
  16. Got the same needles? Floats set the same?
  17. You will be fine with a 25 pilot with those mods. Try that and see if you can get it to run fine.
  18. All these tiny businesses really make threads great on BHQ, nothin like throwin' your spot in on every thread
  19. Make sure you adjust the shifter eccentric screw to where the claw that goes around the shift star is perfectly centered. If you've got a Clymer's it'll show pictures.
  20. Also on rider weight, style, all kinds of things. I ran 13/42 and thought it was great, then switched back to 14/41 and it made a world of difference, a ton more pull on top.
  21. Got this awhile back and upgraded to the newer Curve. It is unlocked. Has a dark blue ATT faceplate on it. Comes with a wall charger, car charger, hard plastic case, black trackball, oem trackball, usb cord, and blackjack carrying case (that fits the phone just fine). It has normal scuffs and scratches on it, I tried to show them all in the pictures. The back looks like what ipods look like after sliding around. Asking $130 shipped.
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