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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. I'd be more scared of getting shot from teh crack dealers watching your races. I've seen the videos before. Like downtown compton, banshee style
  2. You get ya ass shot for lyin about your motor around these parts. That and people that do that are known in the racing community and your just the laughing stock around the campfire.
  3. The modquad head does look nice. Looks like a damn near copy of the NOSS head. I guess the reason I find it weird is the other guys selling shit on here build bikes and have shops too. You're just kind of a middle man? It doesn't really bother me, I just always found it weird to have a middle man when you can buy straight from all these companies...
  4. You're basically a new sponsor. You're in every damn thread pushin' your shit. I rarely see M&M and F.A.S.T. pushing products in threads but they're still doing ok. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, do what u gotta do. But thanks for sponsoring the site And if I can get something cheaper through someone's buddy I'm probably going to go that route. You've said you're not the most expensive, but not the cheapest. I've seen some of the prices on your stuff and I'd say it's more towards the high-end. Some people may not give a shit but I'm frugle with my moneys.
  5. You're bad at pushing races then. Telling someone you havea 4mil vs. a 14mil. I wonder which one people will want to race. Besides that's not the point of the thread anyways haha
  6. It ain't all about displacement
  7. I've heard 10% difference, but usually it's alot worse from a catastrophic failure or just both sides are worn out.
  8. So you don't know the difference in carb size, and intake size? Where's the high-5 smiley?
  9. haha yeah there's not much talk of RDZ down here in these parts
  10. Oh I thought he said who made it. Ya a bunch of people sell them.
  11. This isn't just for banshee gaskets either. I'm sure there's alot of instances where this would come in handy on other projects/hobbies.
  12. BHQ UFC at it's finest
  13. No there really wasn't a problem, it was going out to another builder anyways I think. It was over 2 years ago.
  14. Eh we didn't push it. It was a cub and around the same price as everyone elses. Just the fact it was advertised as ported was a little mis-leading.
  15. They say "to a point". No one really knows what point a duneable being backloaded will fail. But if you've ever started a bike like that, it sounds like hell (even on a stock tranny) and you can just tell it's hell on equipment. I'm gonna try to buy into the taking some backloading as i'm gonna dune my duneable when it goes in. But I'm gonna be careful with it.
  16. RDZ's not longer selling the cub? They were on ebay for awhile, advertised as "ported". We got one that wasn't even cleaned up. Ballin'
  17. You really didn't try to start a duneable like that did you? Something's gonna be wacked, take pics though the damage should be cool.
  18. Alky bikes usually smoke more than gas bikes anyways. Is the smoke white, or does it smell different (sweeter) than the other pipe. It could be leaking antifreeze into the cylinder.
  19. Site looks good, of course I only looked at the Banshee stuff
  20. Yes the spring will need to be pre-loaded some. I believe it has a hook on it and goes into a slot in the cases.
  21. Yep, this is THE fastest way into the hearts of redneck america. Once you go redneck, you don't go back.
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