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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. It fucking says on teh graph what would happen if it was too high or too low. You don't know shit about it either. You're a fucking self-porting God who's got the banshee figured out. But you have this cool head vs. stock head thread Awesoooooome.
  2. I think I'm just gonna run a plate across the top of my cub. Think it will work Slo? If you could run it past your builder (You) that'd be nice.
  3. I run mine stock with no problems really. Only time we ever got one stuck was in a 6' snow drift last spring break I've got a 4x4 1500 Silverado running A/T 285's, just to give you an idea.
  4. What have I said that makes me a moron? I disagree with your 'widely accepted opinion'? I'm being perfectly civil about this, please let me know though.
  5. You still don't get it. Like Fouled said, that stuff in the red on that graph doesn't look too pretty. And I'm almost an engineer so you could almost take my word to be truth
  6. And I'm very sorry we're being the mature ones. That's like saying McCain won the last election, because he had less votes. And you would believe this if the 4 people that voted for him told you And in MDS's case, his portjob affected his compression alot. I thought you said .030 shaved off the head and squish not corrected would lead to needing race fuel? 150 psi cranking most likely doesn't need pump fuel, depending on a few other factors. But since shit usually only matters based off one factor, like you've made clear OVER and OVER again, we'll say he doesn't need race gas. So his case isn't normal. Try again. Unless you want to start another thread about how much can be shaved off the stock head, for each different port job.
  7. So you will believe ONE guy that has the same opinion as you, but won't believe 50 other that say another thing? Damn dude you got a screwed up way of thinking.
  8. Now it's 3 vs. 1000. I don't think a BAM is in session yet.
  9. So you started another thread so you could post the same crap in both? Gimme a break john-boy
  10. I guess you didn't see the part that was in font 50. The milling, then stacking up head gaskets to get your squish back to normal not being the good idea.
  11. How many people have said this was NOT a good idea? Quit typing it, so hopefully it won't show up on people's searches. And at first, your way of doing the stock head was cheaper than the coolhead. Now they are the same price for the same amount of setups. And with the coolhead, you would have domes cut EXACTLY to what you needed and was safe. Hmm, maybe what you've been saying all along was actually a bad idea...Dunno...
  12. I'm not really defending anything. Just stating my opinion. Plus the fact that the last 2 MVP threads you started about poop and some fiber shit that made your dick harder or w/e it was. Edit: And wouldn't more surface area cool better? I think that's what I learned in Heat Transfer last semester, but silly college and basic principles, what are they?
  13. Not to mention the extra cooling? That seems to have been lost in the whole conversation. I'm not 100% sure, but with high compression I would guess temps. would go up. And usually people raise the compression when they get a coolhead. So to say it isn't helping cool any is a false statement. And the fact that when you mill the stock head you lose cooling surface, screw up the squish, dome angle, etc.
  14. Is it the left or right cheek that feels HP? Cuz I'm also interested in getting a torque gain through the famed butt-dyno. Maybe I could get each cheek to do one...hm
  15. How do you know this? And from those graphs, how do you know which parts "added" hp?
  16. Have YOU done dyno runs, same exact motor, comparing a stock head, milled head, and coolhead? negatory
  17. So coolheads are only good for drag ported bikes? I prefer to brag about my bowl movements on internet forums, but to each his own.
  18. Wait, what point did you prove? No one believes you, no one's opinion has been swayed, no one think's you're smart, no one thinks you know jack about banshees. That's alot of unproven points.
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