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Everything posted by okbeast

  1. Did you buy the motor ported or get it done after? I'm thinking about having Titan do my 4mil.
  2. What's the last 4 of his phone #? Seems like I might know the guy
  3. 40mm carrier? If so, PM me some pics of it if you don't mind and I'll take it most likely. Come with brake plate and all?
  4. Need a 40mm carrier with the brake plate and accessories. Trashed mine at Snakehunt. Lmk what ya got.
  5. 2nd. 3rd gear has always felt like the power gear to me. You could probably play with gearing a bunch to get launching in 1st to do the same thing.
  6. BHQ is no place for scientific thoughts
  8. I'm gonna assume someone will say it came from M&M
  9. If I'm seeing it correctly, that's not a problem with the bronze rod is it? And every case is different. I would bet the cranks are held to a smaller tolerance than the cases are. I'm running the same crank you are (M&M 4mm) and have zero issues, as well as a ton of other people. So either Andy is using random crank components or some customers cases are wack. EDIT: I do see where you clearanced it for the rod now, not just the tins
  10. This is a poorly written sentence. What are you saying?
  11. No you missed the point. You have never bought anything from him, but you made it a point to drag him into this with some bullshit rant from a billet parts dealer. Maybe you should buy up some M&M cranks to do your awesome crank rod weight test
  12. Why even drag another builder into this thread if you clearly are getting bullshit 2nd hand poop from some parts dealing "builder". Poor judgment on your part IMO. Andy has clearly stated he buys the components, did testing on multiple rods (I believe somewhere he states what rods he tested) and then assembles and trues/welds them up.
  13. Weight has zero to do with strength. If they WERE all made of the same material then it would have some affect, but then the dimensions/design could be changed around to bring some strength back. So yes this comparison is null.
  14. This has to be the MOST AWESOME way to compare a product ever :jesterlaugh: :jesterlaugh:
  15. http://www.made-in-china.com/productdirectory.do?subaction=hunt&style=b&mode=and&code=0&comProvince=nolimit&order=0&isOpenCorrection=1&word=banshee+crank&by=%2Fproductdirectory.do
  16. To those of you that can look at a crank and tell it is a quality piece, I would like to know what x-ray metallurgist college you went to. You could make a crank out of unobtanium toothpicks that would look like shit but could theoretically hold up.
  17. There sho is alot of ratard in this thread. If you honestly believe a crank rod will just SNAP while running you're out of the loop. The chances of that happening to a perfectly tuned/assembled motor are slim, to none.
  18. I've got some 35 pwk's and billet intakes I'd be willing to trade. Where in TX are you located?
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