Ok so a while back i stripped several gears in the tranny. I replaced all gears and the gear shafts and put the modded shift star on the drum as well. Got it back together and everthing ran gine but i did not have sixth gear. when you would shift into sixth it was like you went to neutral. There was no grinding or anything like a missed shift jsut like it went into neutral. Not wanting to rebuild again right away i ran it like it was until a few weeks ago and now i have replaced the shift forks, shift shafts, and shift drums. I know have the issue of the tranny locking up and not wanting to spin at all when i put it into second gear. I was smart engouh to check this all out before i mounted the engine back in the frame! with the top case off i noticed that when in second and spinning the pto by hand that the two gear sets want to lift up out of the case. when i out the top case back on you can not turn the pto at all. visual inspection of the gears themselves does not produce any irregularities. Any ideas? Any more information needed to help me diagnose?