Merry Christmas my people, alright my problem is I floated my ground on stator ran both yellow and floated cables to both yellow cables to trail tech rectifier, when I put my meter on output cables (red and black) from rectifier it only shows 6.55 volts dc, when i throttle to higher RPM the volts drop to 0.19 to 1.55 volts, what the hell am I doing wrong, i already tried another new rectifier and same outcome, im throwing up the white flag, about to give up but hopefully one of you kind folks can give me some insight to what im doing wrong, and yes ive done research, watched videos, traced the wiring 50 million times, i put the meter to both floated ground and yellow from stator and get from 8 to 30 volts ac which i believe tells me stator is producing proper voltage, please help thanks