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About banshee00

  • Birthday 04/14/1988

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banshee00's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. heres mine
  2. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/sto...amp;rotate=none IMO Something like that would work good for what it sounds like you'd be using it for.
  3. I use Powermadd as well and really like them.
  4. I think he's saying 9 bucks more than his last job.... that looks really good though
  5. DMC that is one sick ass banshee
  6. Arc welding is good for structural type applications, most of the time you can use it on the same stuff you mig weld. Wire feed is just easier to some people
  7. We just got one of those at our shop for the field and I love that thing.
  8. Miller is a good company, they are expensive though. A cheaper alternative would be Hobart they make a good welder in my opinion.
  9. PM sent about getting some stickers made.
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