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About michigan_soler

  • Birthday 12/30/1985

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  • Location
    silver lake, michigan

michigan_soler's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. The old ones omh'd out at 6 something but wiggled so i figured i should replace them. And i already explained why i revd in nutraul. If i had a mount for my cam i would have done it...
  2. Just got new plug caps (mine were starting to get alil loose, not installed yet) packing has about 3 hours on them, and ill check compression tomorrow.
  3. I always use the minimal feeler gauge, and put it a tiny bit loose. You want it to fit in with alil drag when the engine is super cold (let it sit over night)
  4. stock head. i only rev'd it to show that they even out at higher revs.
  5. I get more exhaust smoke from one side, then the other... they both seem to be pushing out the same amount of air... It seems to run just fine and is strong throughout the whole band.
  6. just outta curiosity, what stator cover is that?
  7. I need a good, unmolested/burned harness that will fit on my 94. I need it asap and im in michigan, if your within a few hours ill come pick it up. Also looking for a known good coil, cdi, volt reg... basicly all electrical so i can swap parts to test stuff.
  8. What year is the electrical from? And is that a complete unmolested harness? Finally where are you located?
  9. I know the stator plug is different, dunno about the others If you just use the 02 harness, i need an older harness if its unmolested.
  10. Alright, ill let you guys know.
  11. ok, so i pulled out my meter, pulled the bike apart and began testing everything. Stator, its alil cold outside, 45*f (suppose to be 68*f) Lighting Coil: 0.8 ohms, (suppose to be 0.26-0.38) But i don't have any lights hooked up, only run during the day in the dunes, will this hurt my stator? Pickup Coi:l 95.4 ohms, (suppose to be 94-140) Charging Coil: 15.3 ohms, (suppose to be 13.7-20.5) Coil, brought inside so it would be at 70*f (suppose to be 68*f) Primary: 0.8 ohms, (suppose to be 0.28-0.38) Secondary (to clymer manual): NOTHING (suppose to be 4,700-7,100) Secondary (to Electrical FAQ): 5,400 Ohms (suppose to be 4,700-7,100) Kill Switch Nothing, never worked, I think the wires are cut or spliced or which every. Key Switch Black to Red/Black: 4.9 ohms What are the other wires for? Now for specs on the bike: T5 pipes, replaced the engine with a "stock" one, but looking at the stator pickup i have a timing plate set at +3. No air box, its a K&N single filter with the box cut out. TORS removed. It ran last fall, put it away for the winter, pulled it out yesterday and it started up on its second kick (i was kinda excited, it never has started that good, needed choke since its 45*f out) Decided i would replace the plugs because the old ones had stable on them. Put the new plugs in, it started right up (needed choke again). Then i pulled the plastic off and cleaned them, put them back on and was going to pull it back into the garage and it wouldn't start, made sure the gas was on... all that stuff, checked for spark by pulling the plugs on the cylinder heads and kick starting, no spark... I have no idea what it could be, Im thinking about pulling the full wire harness out of it and testing every single wire but they shouldn't have gone bad in the few minutes it sat. Any help would be great, sorry I only show up when Im having problems.
  12. Nj... its funny you say that.. the sol was putting down 354 to the wheels. Also you have a chromed out shee... that's not rice.... Oh well to each his own...
  13. they don't check in silver either... well if they sound test you and they notice you will get kicked, but they do the poke test unless you are running visible sparkies (or some equivalent)
  14. next time you go to silver i'll get it off you... oh and make you rid my shee and tell me if it feels right to you... i have nothing to compare it to
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