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Everything posted by jbooker82

  1. Makes for a good argument to replace a worn out 30 dollar part before it fails.
  2. The outerwear keeps the big stuff out of the filter. Is the filter oiled properly? It could be low on oil and letting dirt through. I dont have any problems with my K&N's letting dirt through. Do you have a boost bottle or crossover tube?
  3. Are the bearings, and rod needle bearings in good condition? Is there any blueing from excessive heat? What kind of oil and what ratio was it run with? Any rust from not properly purging after running methanol? Is the crank a genuine Hot Rod's crank or is it an Ebay no name with Hot Rods? Is the tapered shaft, key way, and threads in good shape? How are the threads and key way on the PTO side?
  4. What are you running for pipes, carbs, reeds, intake, and timing?
  5. If you dont fix it right the fist time then it will just cause head achs later on.
  6. That all depends on who did the porting and and what style of port job you have. I have herd fast, hjr, wild card all say that their dune port cannot be reported for a 4 mill because the the transfer ports are opeaned up to far. If you have a clean up port job then yea you probably can get away with it. I am sure there are shops that claim to know what they are talking about, that say they can just to make a buck. Look at it this way; You have one shop saying you need to start over with new cylinders, the other shop says they can report them with no problems. Wich one are you going to chose? Your banshee will still run, it just wont have the power that it could. josh
  7. It would run pretty good. Dune ported 4 mill is a fun ride. If you had a buddy that had cpi inframes you could try them out to see if you like how they ride. A dune ported 4 mill will run good on t5's too.
  8. A 4 mill stroker crank makes for a much stronger midrange if you got the cash.
  9. Yea and since this guy needs a new crank. You would have to throw the extra cost for repurchasing another crank shaft if he buys a stock stroke one first.
  10. If I let my banshee sit for a month then It takes a bunch of kicks to get it to fire up. The engine just doesnt have any fuel in it. Putting a little fuel down the spark plug hoes just makes for a short cut. If it sits for a week or 2 then it fires right up 1st or 2nd kick.
  11. Like I said he will be on here complaining because he cant get any information or help but wont go out of his way to help others. Some people just mine the HQ for info with out giving anything back. Maybe if were lucky will will get one, far away, fuzzy, bad angle picture taken from a cell phone.
  12. I have a FAST Dune Ported 4 mill. It is an awesome motor. http://www.farmandsandtoys.com/services.asp
  13. Most builders shoot for 185 psi for race fuel. Small 17cc and 16cc domes are for people that ride at high altitude.
  14. It would be retarded not to do it now. Port job isn't required but your banshee wont run near as had as it would if you had a stock stroke that was ported.
  15. He build some fast engines. I love my dune ported 4 mill. I bought my cylinders from a guy here on BHQ. Jeff had the guy ship the top end to him so he could look it over. Then sent it out to me.
  16. Hopefully some one doenst have the same attitude towards you when your needing help. Your information could help some one out. You might as well just get a photobucket account, you will need it.
  17. Hopefully some one doenst have the same attitude towards you when your needing help. Your information could help some one out. You might as well just get a photobucket account, you will need it.
  18. I would just build a dune ported 4 mill and not say a word. Run a cool head so he cant see the spacer plate.
  19. I run a Pro Design radiator. http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?&navType=type&webTypeId=42&navTitle=Engine&webCatId=17&prodFamilyId=5785
  20. You can get a GENUINE Hot Rods 4mill crank from F.A.S.T. for 435.
  21. You have to ethire run a spacer plate, or run a cool head with stroker domes. The piston falls 2mm farther down in to the cylinder, it also comes up out of the bore 2mm for a total of +4 mm stroke. You then need to have the cylinders reported. The spacer plate isnt designed to correct port timings. It just required to keep the piston from hitting the head.
  22. Yep you need to out tool bags. Not with just their screen name ethire. That is to easly changed. A bad name isn't handed out for free, it is EARNED.
  23. A crank isn't an area to go cheap in. Yea buy this cheap short rod crank and pair it up with some Namura or Athena pistons and knock your self out.
  24. The thing that real ceramic coating has over paint is that it holds heat in much better. Your pipes wont get near as hot on the surface so your legs shouldnt get baked as bad. I had a jet hot coatd sparks 6x on my raptor 660. That is with a built 720cc 4 mill. The header glowed a dark cherry red to where the 2 primary pipes go in to 1. I now have a spark 6x big core. Exact same header only the muffler has a 2.25in core instead of the standard 2 in core. It doesnt need rejetted. It runs just as good. The header on the big core is bare stainless steel. It glows a little brighter at the primary pipes, and glows a dark cherry red at night to where the header and the mid pipe meets. There is a big difference between the jet hot and bare stainless headers. josh
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