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Everything posted by jbooker82

  1. I just burn mine to speed up the evaporation process, not to see if it smokes.
  2. Yep but if your running colord race fuel then it is hard to tell. VP Red with Klotz oil is hard to tell by color.
  3. You would only need a 2mm spacer plate. The crank pin is moved out 2mm. So the piston goes up 2mm more and 2mm farther down the bore for a total increase of +4mm. When you space the cylinders 2mm off the case you automatically advance all port timings 2mm. That is why it is better to not use a spacer plate and have the head cut 2mm. That way your not affecting the port timings. Then have the cylinders ported for a 4mill crank. Using a cut head you have a less chance of having an air leak. If your getting a Hot Rods crank chances are it will also be a long rod crank. These have conecting rods that are 5mm longer than stock. So you need to run a piston that has the wrist pin moved up 5mm closer to the piston crown. Wiseco 795 series pistons are for long rod cranks, both stock stroke, and +4 mill. A 4mill long rod crank requires both 795 series pistons, and a 2mm spacer plate or 2mm cut head (cool head with stroker domes or moddifed stock head).
  4. Half way down this page. http://bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=144745 good luck
  5. Gasoline genneraly smokes when you set it on fire. Pour a little in to a metal cup and set it on fire. If their is an oil residue left then it is mixed.
  6. Everybody's builder is the best. So your really asking a popularity question.
  7. Just start adding up prices on jeff's web site, or give him a call. He might be able to give you a better deal on a complete engine package vs adding up all the individual prices.
  8. Yep the fast dune ported 4 mill will have the power you need. Super strong mid and top end.
  9. Just think if everybody that signed the petetion had showed up during the initial planing phase how much stronger of a voice the off roading comunity would have had. Signing a petition is just a way for johny come lately's to voice their dissapproval.
  10. And that is all I was saying. One person goes off the trails and lays the grass over. So then everybody else has to go do the " New" trail. The forest service is just the middle man. They dont get approval from the tree hugers, and they dont get approval from the off road comunity. They are their to promote responsible recreation off all aspects. There are only so many forest rangers to police the place and they cant see everything. The damage left behind is what they see, so the only way to control it is to close it.
  11. Or when they go tearing straight up a hill and wear the vegitation off. Then it rains and makes massive washouts. So they just make a new trail right beside the washed out one.
  12. I know I am just saying that there is a lot of work that goes in to keeping your riding areas open, and it takes nothing to close it. I just think that everyone who owns a ATV that rides on public land should at least be a member of their local or state atv club. If nothing else the membership fee will go twards fighting to keep your riding spots maintained and open.
  13. The travel management plan has been going on for a couple of years now. It hasn't been an overngiht process. The federal government is requiring detailed maps of riding areas, and trails on public land so they can be cataloged. Part of the process is determining what stays open, what isnt a designated riding area, and where can the riding area be expanded to. Once the final plan is set good luck getting new riding areas or trails opened. There will have to be environmental studies done to see what impact it would have on vegitation and wild life. NOHVA (Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association) has had several meetings with the USFS regarding riding area's and trail systems here in nebraska. That way there is input from the people who will be using the new dedicated trail system. Your not going to get 100% your way. Compromises will have to be made. For people to just come along as sign a petition is a day late and a dollar short. They are already out of the loop, and had no input on the initial plan. Those people who disagree should have been around when the planing and discussing was going on. No one is going to keep your riding areas open for you. You going to have to do it your self.
  14. The other side of the argument is you have bone headed dumb a55's giving your riding area away by not being responsible. It never fails. People will be drag racing through camp when they have acres and acres of riding room to do all the dicking around they could ever possibly want to do. They have no problem taking drinks out but cannot seem to be bothered by bringing the can or bottle back.. I wonder how many people here are members of an ATV club. If nothing else you membership helps suport a cause that you should care about. I am sure they would apprecate some help when they have work days to help maintain riding areas.
  15. Yep but a Harly's floor boards are a place to rest your feet, not suport your entire body weight while riding. Doing the dual shifter would probably be a good way to bend some shift forks by accidntly standing on the rear one. I would do a jocky shfter first. Just dont ride fast enough to impale your self.
  16. You have to keep it sealed as well. Other wise your fuel will go flat. Kind of like a Coke or Pepsi left open. It also can oxidize or eat up aluminum carbs if left sitting in them. It will make them all white and scaley. Kind of like an aluminum wheel that has had a lead wheel weight.
  17. The hose from the back of the cases ties in to a t that hooks to the vent behind the water pump cover. The other part of the t just goes up to the steering hoop and dangles back down. Dont hook it in to the coolant rez lines otherwise you will fill the transmission up with coolant.
  18. Just dont leave the garage door open. Some one might bring your old pipes back and steal the bran new ones.
  19. That is what I mean. If he is already tossing around the idea of a 4mill. It is going to happen at some point. Just as well save up a little more cash and build it rather and building it twice.
  20. V force reeds have 2x as many reeds. So you have 2x as many reeds opening up Half as far. They should last longer and be more responsive.
  21. I would run reeds desinged by a dedicated compnay that only does reeds. In other words Vforce.
  22. Yep that is why the fastest drag cars in the world run it.
  23. You might look at some of lt1bird old posts. I think he ended up doing a 10 mill in a suzuki street bike.
  24. I thought the TSS engine is just a cheeta pv cylinder.
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