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Everything posted by jbooker82

  1. Why would it be any different than any other year? The banshee has been the same machine since it went from a J arm frame to a A arm frame. Besides 2006 is the last year avaliable in the states, do you think yamaha toatly redesigned it since it wasnt going to be available in the states? I think that BHQ needs a filter that automaticaly deleats your post if any of the folowing have been found. 2007 Banshee, 07 Banshee, 2k7 Banshee ::
  2. The dual Keihin PWK 33 mm carbs would be a good all around set of carbs for about any riding. I woulnt wast my time on those Keihin PWK 28mm's. The 33's should get you around good, but will be best with porting. If your feeling the itch to buy some parts but dont want to tear in to the egnine yet you could get a set of 33's. I would plan on eventualy getting the cylinders ported with those carbs though. If you never are going to get the cylinders ported I would just stay with the stock carbs. The 33's are too much carb for a non ported machine. I have an MX port job with my PWK 33mm carbs and they run sweet.
  3. Those hoses on ebay or alba would be the ones i would run if clear hoses were that important to me. The ones you saw are just regular 3/4 in clear braded hose from a hardware store. They are not rated for High temps. Not saying that they wont hold but I wouldnt rely on them. They get real soft when they get hot, making it easy to blow a hose..
  4. I run dual Keihin PWK 33mm carbs on my mx ported banshee. They run great :beer:
  5. Who did you have lighten your flywheel? Looks like they took to much off. ::
  6. Porting will give you way more power than a single carb setup. You can get dual 33mm carbs for cheaper than what trinity sells there single carb setup for.
  7. I would say that porting is next.
  8. In the back of the pickup is the easiest way to steal an atv. Just back another pickup up to yours and slide it across. I dont ever leave mine in the back over night. It sucks have an atv stolen.
  9. How is that any different than if your stock stator plate comes loose? Sure it isnt slotted like an adjustable plate but it can still move around if loose. I run a Prodesign Stator Plate. It is 100 bucks but it is CNC Billit aluminum.
  10. Well the guy i bought my banshee from put the sending unit in the lower radiator hose so it doesnt really tell you what temp the engien is at since it is measureing the fluid coming out of the radiator. It runs 160-185 there. I am going to put it in the top radiator hose and use a ESR250 Temp gauge to resplice my lower radiaotor hose back to gether.
  11. These wont be around for very long. Excelent Price :beer:
  12. You should have sold it over there then cause I doubt that your going to get that over here. You might but not very likely. If your wanting a 450 you could probably trade a sweet banshee for a sweet 450. That is what I would be looking to do.
  13. Here is a common problem with the off set keys. Vitos +4 deg timing key LINK Read that and see if you still want to use one. The best way to do it is to get a 35 dollar stator plate. It is fully adjustable from -10 deg to +10 deg. Ricky Stator Plate LINK
  14. Mine is somethig like this. I have two little pices of pipe on two of the holes so you can splice it in to the radiator hose. The 3rd hole is were the temp sender screws in to. I am not for sure what size it is though. I think that it would probably be 3/4 since that is what size the banshee's radiator hoses are. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/wwg/itemD...emId=1612840205
  15. Here is mine it is just an auto's temp gauge from a parts store. The temp sender just goes in to a brass T and there is a pice of pipe coming out of each end of the T. Just install it in line with your radaitor hose. I would recomed putting it in the top hose that way you get a more accurate engine temp reading. If you put it in the bottom then your getting a reading of what the temp is coming out of the radiator.
  16. What kind of needle was it. Was it a dynojet kit? I run one in my raptor and it is a really nice kit. Dynojet knows what they are doing! I cant say about the banshee kit though. I never have ran one. I run Keihin PWK carbs and there is 125 different needles that you can buy for them.
  17. Like he said. DOT 5 has a higher temp rating. It helps keep your brakes from fading caused by heat. Weather you need that or not you can chose. If you want to run DOT 5 you just have to make sure that you have all DOT 5. Just flush the system out. If you doing brake work you should flush the system out regardless of what DOT fluid you want to use. Brake fluid can get pretty nasty. josh
  18. No they are not ported. 2 Stroke engines do not breath through the head. All they do is cover the cylinder. No valves or anything. If you want to increase flow then you need to have your cylinders ported. That is what contolls the air flow in and out of the engine. here is a pic of my domes in my head. Your will be all silver. They grey stuff on my domes is a heat reflective coating. Keeps the heat in the exhaust gasses instead of soaking in to the engine.
  19. If you cant get one used. Jeff at FAST has pro motion ones for 30 bucks. Those softer slide springs that he has are great too. Feels just like stock carbs. He has taller adjusters so you can alot of the slack adjusted out, with out having the adjuster at the thumb throttle clear out. Metal Idle screws instead of those plastic ones as well. josh
  20. I would put tape over the top and bottom of the cylinder to keep stuff from getting in the bore or to keep from accidantly blasting the cylinder bores.
  21. The headers are under the exhaust system. 2 Strokes dont have cam shafts. The intake and exhaust durations are controlled by the port work. That is why I recomended getting it ported. It is like installing an aftermaket camshaft.
  22. this is a wot blast down a gravel rode in 6th gear for probably 3/4 to 1 mile.
  23. If your builder tells you that, then I say you need to switch to a different builder. Why would they tell you to run a piston that is weaker? That makes no sence. The reason shy the would seize is because of wrong clearance, lean jetting, or not letting them fully warm up. Any builder that makes real horsepower is going to run forged pistons. Cast VS. Forged
  24. I dont think that ebay should let them get a new account. I think that every ebay account should require a credit card, (possibley a soc security#). That way if you try to opean another account you get an eamil stating that you already have an account. Sure your still going to get the people that do crap like that. Just like in real life where people screw up there credit, but they should have to live with what they have done. It is only fair because they did it to them self. Hay Polish get there information from ebay. You can request and will get it from ebay. It will be there Full name, address, and phone number. You can get it right here. Ebay contact information LINK
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