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Everything posted by jbooker82

  1. Ask BigRed350x he welded his own crank and I belive that is all he used. Hot Rod's long rod stroker crank comes welded already. Some people do recomend throwing more weld down to beef it up.
  2. I dont see why it woldnt. I am running a tail light that is led and the led's are nothign special.
  3. I have rode a z400. They are a nice riding machine. They turn super easy, and have a nice comfortable seat. If your trail riding for fun you made a good trade.
  4. You could if you had a set of Maxxix 4 snow's. They work awesome in the snow. I can pull wheelies on snow pack with my raptor 660.
  5. Yea on the banshee's wiring harness where the ignition switch plugs in there is just 2 wires cut them and crimp them toghether with a butt conector. Then remove the stock handle bar switch. (kill and head light) There will be 1 wring plug and 2 plugs that use bullit conectors (black wire with a white stripe, and plain black wire). Then you wire you kill switch in to the the 2 bullit conectors. That is what is where the stock thumb kill switch usese. When the black white stripe wire is grounded to the black ground it kills the banshee. This is on the older banshee's that have a tail light instead of the 2001 and up that have the tail and brake light.
  6. Yea that is the path that most people take. V Forces are good for Piped banshees up to Cub Banshee's. A timing plate would be another good modd for your banshee. Plus it is a cheap one too. 35 Bucks on ebay.
  7. Yep I have no problem with RS I have there 200 w stator and reg. Works Good. You only usually hear the bad and not the good.
  8. How is the kick starter Idler gear. Those have a tendency to become loose. How did the water pump gear and Impeller look?
  9. What part of the stator changed color. Was it the coils of wire, or was it the part looking from the outside edge of the stator (part that the magnets are set in to).
  10. I run a ricky stator one too. Havent had any problems. Seems like people sure let everyone know if they get one that dont work.
  11. No because they are not really a paddle tire. That is more like a baloon tire with tread. The tread is no where near the hight of a paddle on a paddle tire, and the are not ridiged or stiff like a paddle on a paddle tire.
  12. Get them from cascade. They have there own shop do the chrome. There stuff is top notch. That is where I got my CPI's.
  13. V force reeds have 4 reeds per cage vs. the stock having 2 reed per cage, There for the V forces only have to opean half as far to get the same flow. Them only opeaning half as far make for better throttle responce.
  14. I roll on Works Dual Rates with Remote Ress. I am happy with them. To get a port job you have to send the jugs (cylinders, or barrles what ever you call them). The opean up the ports. You have to do this very carfully. They chage the port timings. Make the intake, transfer ports, and exhaust ports opean up at different times. There are all different types of port jobs. MX port = getting the most bottom end. Trail = all around port job Dune Port = Mid range to top end power, Most comon port job. If you want bottom end get a 4 stroke Drag Port = Max top end at the expence of some midrange. Portjob on a 2 stroke = Changing a camshaft on a 4 Stroke. It isnt something you can just take a grinder and do your self. Here is a pic of my stock stroke ported cylinders. Here is my +4 mill stroker crank drag ported cylinders. They start off by lowering the ports down because when you add 4mm to the stroke of the engine the piston goes down 2mm farther in the cylinder and it goes up 2mm farther. That is why the ports are lowered on these cylinders. Here is some stock non ported cylinders
  15. Why not do a 4mill crank with your stock cylinders. A clean up port job on banshee cylinders doenst really compair to a dune port job or a 4 mill dune port job. Then you can get a set of CPI's or Shearer's then if it still isnt enough you can swap the cylinders out for a cub and you will alread have the pipes that a cub needs. josh
  16. 12 paddles would be way overkill and hurt performance. On a piped banshee 8 is about the max I would go. If your not drag racing then why not just get some Sand Stars they are a great paddle.
  17. I guess stick to the t6's if your absolutly not going to port. A Port job is a huge jump in performance. It would be well worth the money to have your jugs shipped over here to USA.
  18. Overhere in the us we can run 150 psi kicking compression on pump premium fuel 91-92 octane (r+m)/2.
  19. I am not for sure about the tores control box plug. My banshee didnt have tores on it. I would just unplug everything and not cut wires.
  20. The reeds go inbetween the cylinders, and rubber intake boots. Stock ones have just 2 reed petals per cylinder. Vforce reeds have 4 petals per cylinder and they are made from carbon fiber. They make the banshee more responsive. They sell for around 200 US Dollars A cool head is an aftermarket head. It does help cool a little better but the big advantage is that you can swap out domes or compression chambers out to change the compression of the engine. The cool head uses all orings to seal up. There are several types of cool heads. The original one is the Pro Designe Cool head. Most aftermarket heads use this style of domes. The best one out there is the Noss Machine Head. You dont have to use longer head studs the the Prodesign head. Noss is a sponcer of Banshee HQ and gives you a 10% discount. Just look for his add at the top of the page. A timing plate replaces the stock plate that the stator bolts to. The holes are slotted and it has degree marks. It allows you to advance or retard the ignition or spark timing. Most people that run standard gas set theres at +4 degrees. Timing plate here in the US runs about 35 dollars Stator Plate on Ebay LINK
  21. Yea you have keihin pwk 28mm's. If I had a piped banshee I would probaby run those carbs, just to get rid of the stock ones.
  22. I dont run one. The Stock petcock has a fine screen on it anyway. If you own a banshee you will probably have the carbs appart enough that your not going to get big chunks of crap building up in the bowls and jets.
  23. A dune port helps the mid range and top end, where a banshee is intended to be ridden. You want torqe and low end get a 4 stroke. I really dont see the point in trying to make a top end machine have tons of bottom end.
  24. You should just send your juggs to some body that knows what they are doing.
  25. They are probably PWK 28's Look at the keihin diagram on sudco's web page shows 73R PWK 28mm Sudco PWK LINK Do the carb caps screw on and off or do you have to remove 2 screws and the top plate comes off? Maybe the 73R PWK 28's have the style of carb cap like all the other PWK's where it screws off. The 29s PWK 28mm may have the 2 screws to remove and then the top plate comes off josh
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